Being and instagram baddie is something you know your good at, and slay the absoloute fuck out of. But can love make you soft and change you? Or break you into a darker version.
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💟: @graysondolan, @yourname and 234,495,2 others liked your post.
@ethandolan How the hell did I become so lucky? ❤️❤️Ly
1.5m comments - @emmachamberlain: You are too cute! Ly2 - @ewemma: oh Jesus Christ the relationship from hell is rising. Cmon Ethan even your stupid ass can find someone better then her. - @Yourname: @ewemma I don't know about you but I would shut my fucking mouth if I were you before we have a problem. K?? - @ethandolan: @yourname thanks for sticking up for her 🙏🏻 - @wtffff: um....... wtf?!?!?! Is going on? Do there no each other, like the entire sister squad no her or something?!?! I do not approve - @yourname: @ethandolan I would stick up for anyone who had someone as dumb commenting shit like that, but she is my really good friend so no problems - @graysondolan: @wtffff: We don't care if you approve, that isn't your job. - @yourname: @graysondolan 🖤