"Ah. It is you."

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Tord looked over as he heard someone walk over to his table. He paused as he noticed who the familiar figure was. "Oh.."
"Hi, Tom."
Tom hesitantly looked from Tord to the seat across the table from Tord.
"Er..is this seat taken..?" He questioned awkwardly.
"Obviously not." Tord replied blandly.
If Tom had eyes, He would've rolled them before sitting down. Tord was pretty annoying sometimes- because of being a smartass or even just being stubborn.
Even Tord understood that.
Tord rested his head on his hand as a silence grew over them. Well, as silent as silent could get in this cafeteria. There was talking all around them, some yelling in the background, laughter.. And probably more.
"Aren't you gonna eat?" Tom spoke, snapping Tord back to reality.
"No." Tord shook his head slightly.
"Oh..Will you eat when you get home?"
"Why do you care? Yeah. I will. I'm not starving myself just because I wear a mask." Tord snapped, glaring at Tom.
"Well, jeez! Sorry for asking." Tom looked away, frowning slightly.
And then.. the silence came back.
After what felt like a eternity, the bell rang. It was now time for the other classes to come to lunch, and Tord to go to his next set of classes.
People around him bid their farewells to their friends, or walked with their friends to their classes.. While Tord left Tom at the table to go to his next class.
'Everyone is the same.'
'I think, maybe..this person would be my friend.'
'But, I'm too..weird..?...For people to like me.'
'No one wants to be my friend.'

'And they shouldn't.'

Tord was really surprised that no one had tried to shove him into a locker- or tripped him. Or something like that. That's what always happened.
But these people seemed..more or less in a state of shock.
A state of shock that he was..so different perhaps?
Who knows.
He dragged himself through class after class, nothing interesting happening in any of them. He hated introducing himself over, and over, and over.
He got the same reaction every time. Whispering. Judgemental gazes..
Nothing physical though. No papers thrown. No punching.. No fighting in general..
This school was...weird for not hating him like all the others did.
After about 3 classes, Tom met him at his locker.
"Hey Tord!" Tom called as he walked over to Tord's locker. He'd lean against one of the lockers next to Tord's.
"Hi." Tord glanced at Tom, before looking back to his locker.
"So, I was wondering if you'd walk home with me?" Tom questioned.
"For the project?" Tord didn't particularly want to just hang out with Tom.
"Yeah." Tom nodded slightly.
"Okay. Sure. Why not." Tord replied, shutting his locker. 'What could go wrong I wonder.'
"Awesome. Though my last class lasts a little longer." Tom frowned slightly crossing his arms. Tord rolled his eyes.
"Is it one of those 'The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do' teachers?"
"Yep." Tom sighed.
Tord would've said something else, but the bell rang right before he was able to do so.
"So you'll wait for me?"
Then..Tom was gone.
Tord felt...excited to walk home with Tom?..Excited?
He hadn't felt excited about really anything for the past 7 years.
It was probably just his brain trying to make him think he had a friend.
Yeah. Just something like that.
He made his way to his class, and..couldn't stop thinking about going over to Tom's house in an hour or two. Well, at least there was something on his mind to keep him from dying of boredom.

~ ~ ~ . . .About two hours later. . . ~ ~ ~

Tord stepped outside of the school, sharply inhaling the fresh air.
Finally, he was away from all the people.
He walked over to a bench and sat down. In front of him was a road, to his left was a forest, and to his right was school grounds and a sidewalk.
He found himself staring into the forest, examining all the trees and listening to the birds singing their tunes.
He did enjoy nature. He didn't go outside a lot for the fear of what people would do to him, but it was still nice.
He heard footsteps around him, as well as talking, and yelling, and laughter.. So many happy people around him.
Suddenly someone tapped him on the shoulder.
He looked up to them, examining their face.
It..wasn't Tom.
"Ah. It is you."

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Shit this was short.
Sorry ! 
Hope you still enjoyed. ^^'

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