❀Rumors are fun. ❀

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        ! Small trigger warning !

Please be careful with reading the following chapter, for it might have a few triggering spots.
      -Enjoy otherwise ! <3

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Tord turned his body in his chair, locking eyes with the boy behind him.
Or rather, locking eyes with two voids.
Startled, he froze up. Though, while he was not able to speak, he did notice the appearance of the boy in front of him.
He had a sort of..dusty brown hair. And it was pulled up into spikes. Kind of. His eyes, were black voids. Maybe his eyes were black? Maybe they weren't eyes, but eye sockets?..
He wore an unbuttoned black overcoat, and what seemed to be a t-shirt under that. The t-shirt was a dark grey, saying 'Don't Talk to me.' on it.
He seemed to have blue jeans. But he couldn't really see past the desk. He also wore a checkered choker.
"Uhm...can I help you?..." Tom asked, bringing Tord out of his weird state.
"Oh- uh- y-yes!" Tord shook his head, and blinked a few times before looking back to Tom. "Are you Tom..?"
"Yeah- and you're...Tord..?" He asked awkwardly.
Tord nodded, biting his tongue nervously.
A silence grew over them as they were unsure of what to say or do. Tom would at some point start talking about what they were supposed to be doing for the project.
They started to have a nice conversation along with discussing the project.
It seemed the hour went by in a flash.
The bell rang, interrupting their conversation.
Everyone flooded out of the classroom, eager to get away from their partner in the project. It seemed the teacher had made people partnered with people they either didn't know, or hated.
Though Tord and Tom had gotten along well.
They ended up finding out their lockers were close to each other. Just two lockers apart to be exact. Today was starting to go well.
Tord had never had a good first day in school before.
"So..." Tord started, trying to organize the stuff in his locker.
"Whose house are we doing the project at?"
"Well.." Tom paused. "My dad is gonna be away for the next week or two. On a business trip. That would leave us plenty of time to do the project." He leaned against the locker next to Tord's as he spoke.
"Sounds good to me. What about your mom?" Tord asked, pulling his schedule from his pocket to see what his next class was.
"Oh..uh..well she's....she's not....." Tom paused, biting his tongue slightly. "..She's dead."
"O-oh. I'm so sorry-" Tord started as he closed his locker to look at Tom.
Tom just shook his head "No, it's fine- I get asked about her plenty."
Tord frowned, feeling bad. But soon enough the bell rang, and they made their way to their classes. Sadly they didn't seem to have any other classes in common. Except for going to the Gym and the oddly mandatory swimming class.
The swimming classes were only on Thursdays and occasionally Fridays.
But, it was Tuesday. So he didn't have to worry about it. For now.
The rest of Tord's classes felt super slow. Talking to Tom seemed to have quickened that class up. But these..these were boring.
After what felt like an eternity, it was time for lunch.
Lunch was the only thing Tord wanted to do in school. But, of course, he couldn't eat at lunch. He couldn't take his mask off at school.
Not again.
He trailed into the cafeteria, glancing around. He'd never had anyone to sit with before. And assumed that would be the case today as well.
He walked over to a table and sat down, resting his head on his hand.
Another boring day.
Tom had been nice. But he doubted that he'd ever talk to them ever again after the project. That's how it always went..

--------------- Tom's POV ---------------

Tom sat at his desk, wondering what this Tord would like. He hadn't looked up in time to get a good look at them when they walked in.
Suddenly, the person in front of him turned in their chair, looking at him.
He had never seen this person before, and assumed it was the new person, Tord.
They had honey brown hair, which was spiked up into what he assumed were supposed to be horns. They had two different colored eyes, very pretty in fact. One was red, and the other was silver.
They wore a hoodie, which was dark red with sleeves that faded from red into black. One of the strings on the hoodie was broken as well. It seemed ripped in half, and shredded at the end.
Tom couldn't see their jeans well but he was pretty sure they were blue. He thought they were wearing jeans anyways.
But the thing that he noticed, and the thing that interested him the most, was the mask. It was one of those mouth masks. It was plain white, with a simple black 'X' on it.
Tom wondered why they wore the mask..?

The person had been staring at him for a good solid minute now. This was getting a little creepy in Tom's opinion.
He decided to try and talk to them. "Uhm...can I help you?..." Tom questioned.
They seemed to be awoken from their little dream land they traveled to, as they shook their head and blinked a few times. "Oh- uh- y-yes!"
They stumbled over their words, seeming a little..flustered possibly..?
"Are you Tom..?" They asked, looking at him again.
Tom paused before nodding slowly. "Yeah- and you're...Tord..?" This conversation was.. Really, really, really, awkward.
Tord nodded, looking away.
An uneasy sort of silence grew over them, as they both didn't know what to say.
At some point, Tom started the conversation up again.
They had a nice chat about the project, and in general.
And then the bell rang. Because the bell either saves you from situations, or ruins something. Everyone flooded out of the class, and Tom and Tord bid their farewells.
On their way to their lockers, they found out their lockers were extremely close to one another. So, they continued to talk.
"So..." Tord started, seeming to be organizing his locker while he talked.
"Whose house are we doing the project at?"
"Well.." Tom paused. He wasn't home right now. So.. "My dad is gonna be away for the next week or two. On a business trip. That would leave us plenty of time to do the project." He leaned against a locker next to Tord's as he spoke.
"Sounds good to me. What about your mom?" Tord asked, pulling a piece of paper from his pocket and looking at it.
"Oh..uh..well she's....she's not....." Tom paused, biting his tongue slightly.
'Why does everyone ask about her?'
"..She's dead."
"O-oh. I'm so sorry-" Tord started as he closed his locker to look at Tom.
Tom just shook his head, frowning slightly. "No, it's fine- I get asked about her plenty."
Tord frowned, and another silence grew over them.
They barely said bye as the bell rang and they went their separate ways.
Tom made his way to his class, and forgot about what had happened entirely.
That is, until Lunch rolled around.
People flooded out of his class as he was now the last one in the room. The teacher had also left the room, as they were going to eat lunch too.
Tom stared down at his desk, frowning.
He had found a piece of paper taped to the bottom of his desk, and only now got to see it. In messy handwriting that seemed to have been scribbled on quick, it was covered in insults. Such as, Eyeless freak!, Gay faggot!- He frowned more as he read over each
insult multiple times.
People usually didn't bully him at school.
I guess it was because he was paired with Tord for the project.
He sighed as he picked the paper up and crumpled it into a ball. He'd throw it into the trashcan as he walked out of the classroom.
Tom made his way to the cafeteria, ignoring all the glares and bad looks he was getting from people around him. No doubt, someone had spread a rumor about him and Tord.
Someone always spreads rumors about him. Now they have two people to do it to.
He stepped into the crowded cafeteria, spotting only one empty table. He'd go grab some food, hoping that the table would continue to be empty.
After a minute or so, he had his tray of food.
The food here wasn't that bad. It was okay.
He made his way to the table, noticing a familiar figure sitting at the table.
'Of course the table isn't actually empty.'
Tom looked at the person, who also looked over to him.
'Of course the person at the table is Tord.'

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I know I suck at writing.
Just, shhhh.
I know I took like, forever to write this chapter.
But like, shhhhhhh.
I've been having irl problems, and motivation problems.
So like, watcha gonna do?
I'm gonna force myself to write this fanfic.

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