Ok so I messed up....
Well, I always do, but this time I really did screw up. I took advantage of Kaylee. Which I cant explain how dumb of a thing that is too do. I dont think she will comment on this, who knows maybe she is gonna avoid me. Well I dont blame her, but let me just tell you guys something real quick. Never, EVER underestimate your friends love for you. I was a horrible person and assumed things about Kaylee that were horrible of me and instantly made her feel guilty, when she shouldn't be. I swear she has been there for me since the 5th grade, and nor has she ever hurt me. However, I've hurt her, many many many times. And I guess this time I really crossed the line. Which I understand why....nobody, especially her deserves to be hurt like I hurt her.
So Kaylee if you see this. You can either ignore it, and be willing to just let me go, or your possibly willing to give me one last chance to make things right. Because I swear your my best friend, and I cant live knowing you hate me. Please Kaylee, all i ask is for you to talk to me.
And if you've done similar things before, know that the most horrible thing any person in this world could ever experience is feeling alone. But that's what true friends are for. To the point where you dont even seem them as a friend, you seem them as the person you would trust your life with. So please Kaylee, I'm begging you.

Ack, Just Me Updating Life.
Humor~Wassup peoplez , im Kamryn, and this is basically just...idk, my life I guess. I update pretty often, sorta..., and I dont know, nothin too mind blowing over here lmao.😁