Ok so I dont think people really understand. I'm not talking about any of you, just people at my school. I told everyone at the beginning of the day that I didnt wanna talk, and when they asked why I explained that I was going through so break up crap. And that I didnt wanna be messed with. And all freakin day people were just trying me. They were like "Aw Aw Kamryn she didnt like you". And shit like that so I'm like "Excuse you dont even know what happend so excuse me?" And agh, I just needed to rant, sorry to waste your time.

Ack, Just Me Updating Life.
Humor~Wassup peoplez , im Kamryn, and this is basically just...idk, my life I guess. I update pretty often, sorta..., and I dont know, nothin too mind blowing over here lmao.😁