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it was a gloomy, cloudy day in new york city. last night, flooding warnings had been put in action and the city had advised to stay inside as conditions could be potentially dangerous. upstate in karlie and taylor's apartment, the pitter patter of rain was delicately hitting the window sills of their brand new apartment. both of them had just moved in together but the recent storm had hindered their moving progress; but their apartment was housed in a beautiful, brick building. for karlie, a vintage, but stylish kitchen adorned their space and a large balcony that was speckled with luscious plants along the sides was for taylor. it was indeed a long process to find a living space that accommodated to their needs. nonetheless, taylor felt that she had found the right place for both of them. it was big enough to expand their family (hopefully) and a good place that wasn't always swarmed by paparazzi like karlie's condo in downtown.

after coming out to the public after taylor's 1989 tour ended, the couple had received lots of praise despite many attempts from their managements to hold out a little longer. apparently, kaylor had been a big thing for both of their fanbases. yes, there had been criticism but the positive had weighed out the negative. taylor was the one to go ahead with their decision. from there, their relationship only grew: blossoming into something much more bigger until they decided to move in with each other. it had been a big step with their busy lives, yes, but it felt the perfect thing to do as they both felt a need to slow down and settle.

the rain continued to pour down and taylor slowly opened her eyes, rubbing them in the process. next to her was karlie, with her dirty blonde hair sprawled against the pillow. her lips were the tiniest bit parted and her arms were draped around her girlfriend's waist. taylor moves her hand to tuck a piece of karlie's hair behind the ear and placed a tender kiss amongst karlie's cheek. it was 6:30am in new york city. early but, that was who taylor was: an early bird. karlie had always despised her ability to wake up so early.

the older woman had quietly slipped out of karlie's grasp, tiptoeing into the bathroom to freshen up. she had no plans for today so taylor just threw her hair up into a ponytail, washing her face. she then entered the kitchen, deciding to make an omelet. and yet, despite the clank and banging of pots and pans, karlie still hadn't woken up. taylor chuckled, of course, she thought. so karlie. she then made herself a cup of coffee, adding the tiniest bit of creamer and a sugar cube - just how she liked it. when she had set aside a plate for karlie to warm up later, taylor brought her own food up to the piano. she felt like writing today.

the line: you're so gorgeous with a specific rhythm had been stuck in her mind all day. with her childhood piano that had been shipped in yesterday, she felt she might bring it to some use. she got out her ratty notebook that she had been using since speak now and write down a few lyrics. she pressed the right keys to make up the backbeat and recorded herself a few memos. taylor was in a whole new world; one where time ceased to exist and words and melodies just flew out. before she knew it, footsteps were heard coming and the soft yet groggy voice of karlie called out, "babe?"

"'morning, love. made you some breakfast. it's on the counter," taylor motioned. she wiped her eyeglasses and looked at the progression of the song. it was rough, indeed, she had been onto something good.

"what're you up to so early in the morning? i woke up and you weren't there!" her girlfriend exclaimed.

"i couldn't get this melody out of my head and decided to make a song. it's about someone special," taylor announced.

karlie smiled and took a bit out of her omelet, "and who may that special someone be?" she questioned. "we'll have to find out," taylor retorted.

"play it." karlie demanded.

"it's in the works, babe," taylor paused. she hesitated. the song was for karlie so why not? "i guess i could play it. for you," she said after awhile, smiling softly at her girlfriend.

she took a deep breath and pressed the piano keys, music filling the room. the melodies and words blew karlie away. taylor's voice was more than angelic - it was ethereal. what made her even more astonished was the song was for her. the soft piano and acoustic sound of the song was beautiful. after the last chorus, she took a breath in. taylor wrote that masterpiece in a few hours? she peered over to her girlfriend who gazed up at her and bit her lip. "so?" she asked.

all karlie could seem to do was lean in and kiss her cheek and mumble, "it was gorgeous," she proclaimed.

853 words.

i haven't posted IN FOREVER so i'm using this draft as a filler 🥴🥴🥴 sorry guys i suck at writing 🤷‍♀️

y'all let me know how ur doing thO!!

all the love,
kaela 🤠

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