Chapter 5

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When we got home Raf and Ric completely freaked out at the sight of me, thinking I was injured. I told them it wasn't mine and went up to shower and change. I could hear them demanding to know what exactly had happened today. I guess Rob kept to the basics to not cause a scene. Lol. As I get to the top of the stairs I can hear the guys arguing. Do they think they're quiet or just not care if I hear them!?! I stand still and listen for a moment.

Raf, "Wait, wait, so is she or is she not a virgin?"

Oh my god. They're still going on about that?? Geez.

Rob, "Yes, she confirmed she is, but only because she hasn't been attracted to anyone while at the academy."

Roc, "She told Aiden we were the sexiest guys on the planet, as well as all the males in our family, and that's why she's desensitized to good looking men, and is looking for more than just looks!"

Ric, "She said we were the sexiest guys on the planet?" He sounded half proud and half grossed out.

Rom, "Not in those exact words, but she pretty much said Russo men are better looking than O'Brian men, which we are!"

Rod, "Yeah, but I didn't like her on Dalys lap. And the looks they gave each other after. Yuck. I hope she's not into tattooed and pierced guys. Imagine having the Irish as in-laws. Ugh."

Raf, "What the fuck was she doing on his lap and where were you while he was trying to fuck our sister?!?"

Roc, "It's not like that. He tackled her and she flipped him and pinned him down."

I groaned silently. These idiots are making it worse.

Ric, "He tried to hurt her? I'm going to KILL HIM!"

Rom, "No, no, it was a misunderstanding. He apologized, everyone's all good now. Lexi barely had a hair out of place. She scares the shit out of me somewhat."

I smirk to myself. Good. You should be scared of me.

Roc, "When that Russians sternum broke, the smile on her face was freaky as fuck. I'm glad she's our family and not our enemy."

"Amen to that!" The rest chorused as one. I stifled a laugh. These guys are too funny.

Raf, "Well, she's not our 3 year old cousin anymore. And she's been taught by the toughest teacher on this planet. Her dad. We have to try to remember that. I don't want to lose her like pops lost our uncle."

There was grumbles of agreement. His words made my heart swell with love. I am blessed to have them in my life. I waited a few minutes more then walked down to join them. We had a good time catching me up on the local news.

Our family made most of it's money on weapons. Mostly guns but we deal with all types. I also know that there's a brothel or two but it's more of a side business to keep the men from straying into other territory's just to get laid.

The O'Brians dealt with drugs and booze. Because they weren't competing with each other, they were apparently all friends. Or good acquaintances at the least. The death toll is quite low around here due to this. At least it had been until the Russians got involved.

We noticed it was almost time for dinner and all went our separate ways to get ready. Our Nona had taught us all from a young age that we should impress not just with the cooking but with the table settings and our appearances too. It was one of the things my dad kept up even after we left to join the Seals. With that thought in mind I put on a gold dress my friend Drake picked for me. He said it was 'subtle sexy'. It was sleeveless but high necked. It was floor length and looked solid until I walked and you saw the split up one side.

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