Chapter 29

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As I walk out of the house, I can feel myself shaking.

What the fuck just happened?!?

How did that escalate so far so fast!?!

I get into the garage and hop on my bike. I need to leave. I need to meet Mikael and end this shit with the Russians so my babies can be safe.

At the thought of my babies I can no longer keep the cold expression on my face. I place both hands on my stomach and start crying.

"I love you all beans, I swear I do! I won't let anyone hurt you! Ever!"

Suddenly the garage door flies open. I pull out my gun and have it pointed at the person who's barged in before anyone can blink.

Luckily for him, I recognized him a split second before I blew his head off. But I didn't lower my gun. I sat on my bike. Tears slowly drying on my face. But my hand holding the gun was steady.

Quinn, "Woah, don't shoot sis!"

I hear the rest of the brothers come in, I see them in my peripheral vision but I don't break eye contact with Quinn.

"You're not my brother. Don't call me sis!"

These words more than any other so far seem to cut him deep. Good! Let him know what it feels like to have his heart ripped out by someone who's supposed to love you and have your back!

Quinn draws a deep breath and stiffens his shoulders.

Quinn, "Fine. Go ahead and hate me. I deserve it. But Daly doesn't deserve to be abandoned because of me! Please don't leave him! He loves you so much!"

I blink in surprise at his words. Leave Daly? Did I say I was going to leave him? I don't remember saying that. But I was so angry and hurt that I very well could have implied that.

I hate that I did that. It's worse than Quinn hurting me, because I promised to love and protect Daly.

I lowered and put away my gun. I hear relieved breaths.

"Doesn't seem like Daly really gives a shit since he's not here. And I don't give a shit about you feeling guilty about ruining your brothers marriage either. Just get the fuck away from me."

What am I even saying?! I don't mean any of those words. But Daly isn't in the garage. The others are. But not him.

Aiden, "He's frozen in shock. Don't break his heart sis. Please."

I open my mouth to snap at him when my stomach suddenly tightens. I know it's too early to feel the babies move, but it's almost like they're trying to calm me. Remind me of what's real, and what's important.

I place a hand on my stomach. I sigh.

"I didn't say I was leaving him Aiden. Just that I didn't want to be with someone who doesn't have my back. But I know Daly has my back. Always. I love him. Unless he wants to leave me, I had no plans of leaving him. I just need to get to this meeting."

Quinn, "You're not leaving him? Are you sure?"

"I know you think I'm a child killer, so why should I be surprised you also think I'm a fucking liar!"

Quinn flinches like I struck him. I take a deep breath to calm down. I'm still so angry and hurt by him that I know I'm going to misconstrue everything he says.

"Aiden, I need to go. I need to get away from Quinn. After I'm done with my meeting, I'm going to visit my family. Can you let Daly know. If he wants me to come home tonight, tell him to come there so we can talk. If he doesn't, I'll know he doesn't want to put up with me anymore."

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