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Muffled moans were heard in the one of the corner offices of CCG. Though the curtains were pulled back, the groans and whimpers were subtle compared to how hard they were rocking the table.

Yukina glanced up as she was panting which Kishou was thrusting deep into her. He quickly glanced down but clicked his tongue with the last thrust and came. Yukina pouted when Kishou pulled out while gripping onto the condom.

"But I didn't finish!" Yukina pouted as she pulled her shirt and bra down and fixed her skirt and panties.
"You looked at me even though I told you not to." Kishou sighed pulling his pants back up and sitting in his chair. "I always come quickly when I see you like that."
"Hmph! Fine! If anything happens between me and Kouitsu, it's because I'm still in the mood!"

Yukina turned on her heel after finished fixing herself when she heard a click of a tongue and a grip on her wrist. The person pulled her back around and crashed his lips onto hers.

"Got to make sure that doesn't happen then." Kishou growled as he started to give little love bites around her collar bone. Yukina started to whimper, wanting more action but she knew it was near impossible after he had finished.

But she gasped when she felt his long and slender fingers pulling her panties to the side so they can pump into her. She lifted her leg as she was leaning back onto his desk with her arms behind her for support.

"M-more." She whimpered and felt a smirk forming on Kishou's lips as he inserted a third finger. He grunted and took off her panties and hiking up her skirt before inserting the fourth finger. Pumping really fast as he could feel the walls closing in on him. To make the final touch, he used his thumb to navigate where her clitoris would be. He was confident that he found it when Yukina moaned loudly and started to massage it gently.

Not a moment too soon, Yukina squirted everywhere. The stream rolling down on her leg. The desk had a small puddle. But the carpeted floor was stained. Yukina was embarrassed but Kishou was turned on even more and was frustrated that he couldn't do anything about it.

"You better be ready for tonight." Kishou gave her the bedroom eyes, hypnotizing Yukina as her soaked cavern was pulsing with excitement.

A week has gone by and Yukina could feel something was different. Kishou has been less and less affectionate - which was strange since the last month, he was being so affectionate it was weird. But today confirmed her theory.

"Yukina, maybe we should put a stop to whatever this is." Kishou stared into her widened eyes in his office.

Yukina came to his office thinking it was one of his private sessions. But didn't think it was for this.

"W-What?" Yukina could feel the pit of her stomach aching.
"I have sent in an application for you to get your own apartment near the control center." Kishou continued without missing a beat. "I was able to get it expedited and you'll be able to move in tonight. You just need to move your personal belongings."
"Is... this really what you want Kishou?" Yukina closed her eyes halfway, disappointed that this was the end.
"Yes." Kishou replied curtly. "I can help you move tonight if you want."
Yukina sighed. She knew this day would come. They lived together but they were never formally in a relationship. Just exclusive and everyone knew. She thought one day, maybe, she would be able to say the L-word to him. But she guess that day would never come.

"No, it's okay. I'll just leave earlier and get out of your hair. Can you give me the new address?"

Kishou handed her a sheet of paper with all the necessary information that could help her.

"Thanks." Yukina smiled halfway and turned on her heel to exit his office. But right before she touch the doorknob, she turned back around to see Kishou filling out some paperwork. Feeling the eyes of his former lover, he glanced up and raised an eyebrow.
"Why the sudden change?" Yukina asked, bracing herself for the answer. There was a long pause while the two just stared at each other.
"I... don't need you anymore." Kishou responded with a blank look on his face. He watched as Yukina's expressions twisted to a distraught one. Feeling the tears welling up in her eyes she turned her back on him.
"I see..." she muttered as she reaching for the door knob. "Well, I hope you're happy with your next person then."

The next month has been brutal on Yukina. The news spread like wildfire, much to her dismay, that the two was no longer an item. Juuzou made an effort to make sure that she was alright and brought her a bag of snacks every morning. While Sasaki spent more time to console Kishou if needed.

When the two would pass each other in the hallways of CCG, Yukina balantly ignores him. When Kishou comes down the Research Center, she continues to do her work or she would get up and grab someone else to help him.

Though always cheerful, she didn't want anyone to worry about her unneccesaaryily.

"Heartbreak is normal." She would tell everyone. "Give me time, I'll forget these feelings."

Though she was not ready for what was going to happen to her next.


Yukina turned around when she happened to be in an alleyway trying to find a restaurant to eat for dinner. She saw a familiar face, it was none other than Take Hirako.

"Take?" Yukina raised an eyebrow, "what's the matter?"
"You need to come with me."
"Where are we going?"
"You'll know when you find out."

The two walked along the streets of Tokyo to what seem like a weird area. Yukina had nothing to worry about from him. When she was with Kishou, they were on the same team together and Kishou had thought of him as a close friend. Yukina started chuckling to herself when she thought Kishou would have friends. Sure he was a fine ghoul investigator and got along with everyone relatively well, but she could never imagine anyone else hanging out with him.

"We're here."

Yukina was brought back to reality and saw a cemented building. The two walked in and in the lobby area, there was a group of people talking to each other and  someone familiar was in the middle. All the mutters went to a dim sound as Yukina raised an eyebrow.

"Sasaki? Take? What's going on here?" Yukina was glancing around.

Sasaki walked up to her with a shy smile. But something was different about him. His hair was all white and his demeanor was not the same.

"Hirako, lets bring her to the other room."

Take simply nodded and the two male walked in front while Yukina followed at their heels.

"Yukina, can you sit on the bed?" Sasaki furrowed his brows in a caring way. Still confused, she complied. "Let me start by saying I'm not Haise Sasaki anymore. I got my memories back and I go by Ken Kaneki."
"Okay..." Yukina was cautious.
"So... I don't know how to break it to you but..." Ken glanced over at Take who gave him a nod. "Arima is dead."
"What?" Yukina raised her eyebrows. "That genius Reaper is dead?"
"You don't sound too surprise." It was Take's turn to be confused.
"There's no way he died." Yukina looked at the two of them confused. But slowly, she realized it was the truth when the two males looked at each other worryingly. "Y-you're serious?"
"Yukina, he is dead." Take looked at her solemnly. "I'm sorry."
"Wait," Yukina couldn't understand their words. "He can't be dead." Her breaths started to become shallow.
"He asked us to protect you, Yukina." Ken looked at her sadly with a smile. "That was his dying wish. To protect you no matter what."

Yukina felt her tears ready to spill out of her eyes. And to make matters worse, Take gave her a small stack of papers and pressed a few buttons on his phone to send a file to hers.

Yukina shakingly took the pile of papers and widened her eyes. The characters for 'Last Testament" were written on every single one of them.

"He never wrote anything in them." Take started as Ken was slowly leaving the room. "Recently, he started to. And they were all addressed to you. He told me to make sure to give you these and the recording to you."

Take bowed as he saw the streams of water coming down on her face.

"I'm sorry, Yukina. But please," Take looked at her with pleading eyes, "Read them over."

{Sincerely} Arima KishouWhere stories live. Discover now