Chapter 28 | There's a Crack In the Ceiling

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SONG FOR THE CHAPTER: Need Nothing by Vérité 

      Julian picked me up from my apartment just after ten in the morning. His car was running much smoother than the last time he drove me, thanks to me forcing him to get it serviced. He still hadn't gotten all his old music back onto his phone yet so once again, we were stuck listening to Taylor Swift and Nicki Minaj, with a side of One Direction here and there.

      It felt weird going off to spend the day with someone else's family, but I wasn't complaining. Julian was always great company and I didn't mind spending time with him one bit. However, I wasn't looking forward to facing his family after what went down with my own, right in the middle of their dining room. It honestly surprised me that Julian's mom invited me over again.

      After the third One Direction song in a row played, I yanked out his phone and plugged in mine, hitting shuffle as fast as I could.

      "I can't. I just can't," I said by way of explanation.

      Julian just chuckled, running a hand through his hair.

      "Do you purposefully play music from your phone just to torture me?"

      His mouth twitched. "Maybe."

      I glared at him. "You are cruel. I can't believe you can tolerate that stuff."

      "I can't. It's just worth it watching you suffer," Julian said with a laugh.

      "Once again, you are cruel."

      The rest of the drive went smoothly. My decent taste in music seemed to help with that. I didn't feel the urge to rip off my own ears every five seconds either which was pleasant. I even got Julian to sing along to some of the songs, something I'd never say no to. I was truly obsessed with his voice.

      And probably everything else about him, if I was being honest.

      Not that I'd ever admit that to him. He'd never let me live it down.

      We arrived at Julian's house just before midday. I just stared at his home, my chest tightening ever so slightly. I couldn't help but replay everything that happened the last time I was here. A fresh wave of anger crashed over me as I thought about my mom and everything she had ruined for me.

      The passenger door opening jolted me from my thoughts. Julian reached forward and covered my hand with his larger one, his skin warm against mine. A sense of calmness settled over me, driving away the anger.

      "You good?" he asked. His eyes were filled with gentle concern.

      My heart – the traitor – stuttered in my chest.

      I held his gaze, fully immersed in his ocean-coloured eyes. "I'm good."

      After I unbuckled my seatbelt, Julian clasped my hand and pulled me from the car. He stepped forward so that his face was mere centimetres away from mine. My lungs decided it was the perfect opportunity to stop working for several moments.

      "You're safe here. I promise you that," Julian said softly, a small smile on his lips.

      I returned his smile once I felt I could breathe again. "I know." And I did. Somewhere along the way, I'd begun to trust Julian more than anyone else in the world. I truly did feel safe whenever I was with him and that was a rarity these days.

      Trusting him does make me completely terrified but I guess that comes with the territory.

      I tugged a hand through my hair and focused on locking away all the unwanted feelings and anxiousness that came with thinking about my mom and, admittedly, about Julian. Once I felt everything was locked down tightly enough, I swallowed and allowed myself to focus on the boy before me.

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