Chapter 33 | Don't Hurt Your Brain

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      I inhaled deeply as I stared at the front door of my house. I'd been sitting in the car for at least five minutes now, but it was if my legs no longer obeyed me. Going inside was the absolute last thing I wanted to do. I knew this visit was not going to be pleasant, but I made a promise to Savannah that I wouldn't leave her. And I intended to keep that promise.

      Part of me regretted telling Julian he couldn't come with me. Going inside on my own was more daunting than I realised it would be. Shaking my head, I tried to shove the thoughts from my mind. I couldn't involve Julian with my problems anymore. It was getting far too dangerous. I knew that sooner or later, he was going to leave, and I wanted to be as detached as possible when the time came.

      I unplugged my phone from the AUX cord and dialled Lia's number.

      She answered only a few moments later. "Hey. How'd it go?"

      I winced even though she couldn't see me. "I haven't gone inside yet."

      "You can do this, Isa. You're the strongest person I know," Lia said, her voice firm and warm at the same time.

      "I don't feel strong," I mumbled, toying with a stray thread hanging from my black cardigan. I'd only bought it the other day and things were already getting caught on it, pulling it apart.

      "That's okay. You don't have to go inside today. You can try again tomorrow or something," she said softly.

      I sighed, leaning my head back against the car seat. "I can't. I haven't seen Savannah in days. I have to check up on her."

      "Okay. Well, take a few deep breaths. You can do this," she repeated.

      I followed her advice, trying to lower the waves of anxiety rising in me. Lia's encouragement was also helping and I already felt a little more together than I did when I called her.

      "I'm going inside now," I stated. I couldn't put it off any longer. Grabbing my bag, I opened the car door and slid out.

      I started to shiver immediately as the icy air swept past me and felt goosebumps skitter across my entire body. I hadn't worn a proper coat today and I was already regretting it.

      "Call me in a bit and update me, okay? Good luck," Lia said.

      "Thanks, Lia. I love you," I told her, wishing she was beside me at that moment. Lia was probably the only person I truly trusted in this world and she often made me feel better when I needed it most.

      "Love you, too. And don't hesitate to call me if something goes wrong. I'm ready to kick someone's butt if you need me to." Lia's tone was completely serious.

      I laughed, despite my current mood. "Will do. Talk to you later."

      After I hung up, I opened the front door and stepped inside. When a maid didn't rush forward to greet me, I frowned. Usually, the house was buzzing with them, since housework and other chores were things my mom was unfamiliar with.

      The house was quiet, which wasn't unexpected. My dad was at work and from the lack of my mom's car in the driveway, I knew she wasn't home, either. It was almost four in the afternoon which meant both Hudson and Spencer would still be at work. I was grateful none of them were home. I wasn't ready to face them quite yet.

      Heading upstairs, I dropped my bag onto my bed and shrugged my coat from my shoulders. After plugging my phone in to charge, I went back down again and crossed the foyer. I was nearing the living room when I froze, stepping aside slightly to keep out of sight. Savannah giggled as she peered up at Roman, her small body nestled into his as they sat on the couch. A light danced in her dark eyes, a light I hadn't seen in a long time.

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