Chapter 35 | Maybe We're Better Off Alone

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SONG FOR THE CHAPTER: better off by Jeremy Zucker

      "Can we play One Direction?" Savannah asked from the backseat, eagerness flashing through her hazel eyes.

      "Yes, play some One Direction!" Willow, Savannah's best friend, chimed in.

      "I will throw myself out of the window if you play it," I mumbled, a warning to Julian. If I heard Once Direction one more time, I knew I wouldn't survive.

      We had just picked Savannah and Willow up from dance practice and somehow, they still had way too much energy. They hadn't stopped talking about everything and anything since they got in the car. Willow was the friend Savannah was having a "playdate" with today, but neither of them wanted to go home. They wanted to do something and expected Julian and me to facilitate it.

      "You suck," Savannah said with a pout. "How about Taylor Swift?"

     "No!" Julian and I exclaimed in unison. After his niece put all her music on his phone, we were both sick of Taylor Swift. And Julian being Julian, he hadn't gotten around to getting rid of all the music.

      Savannah huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "You guys are so boring."

      "Are not. We just have a better music taste than you," I shot back playfully.

      "You do not. You're just old and boring," Savannah repeated, the look of frustration still on her face.

     "Ouch. That's harsh, Sav," I said, placing a hand over my heart in mock offence.

      Savannah shrugged. "I'm just telling the truth."

      "How about we listen to some of that Billie Eyelash chick or something?" Julian cut in. "Didn't she just get really popular all of a sudden?"

      "Eyelash?" I said with raised eyebrows. I hoped he was joking

      "Yes, play 'Ocean Eyes'!" Willow exclaimed.

      "No, play 'bury a friend'!" Savannah said shrilly.

      I rolled my eyes. "So basic."

      "Where are we going?" Savannah asked. Through the rear vision mirror, I could see her glance between Julian and me.

      "I don't know. You haven't said what you guys wanted to do yet," Julian pointed out.

      "Can we go ice skating?" Willow asked, clasping her hands together.

      Savannah glanced at her friend, her face lighting up. "I've never been." Savannah's gaze shifted back to me. "Can we?"

      Willow gasped. "You've never been ice skating?"

      "Nope," Savanah answered. "But I really want to try it."

      "It's so much fun! My brother took me last Christmas," Willow told us.

      "Julian, can we?" Savannah pleaded.

      Julian glanced over at me wearing a neutral expression. Ever since this morning, he'd been distant with me. I didn't really know how to act around him, either. Part of me wanted to take back everything I said and just return to the way things were. The other part of me, the far more rational part, knew this distance between us for the best.

      "It's your call," Julian said to me.

      "You're the one driving us around."

       He shrugged. "All right, let's go ice skating."

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