Two northern dragons....

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*Edited for grammar & spelling

For a portion of the afternoon, Emilee spent time with each of the Stark kids. She helped Sansa with her needle work, played games with Arya and Rickon, and helped Bran with his archery. As she headed to the kitchens to grab some meat for her wolves, she was intercepted by one of Cersei's maids.

"The queen wishes to see you."

Emilee followed the girl, and was brought to Cersei's room.

"My queen, it's an honor to meet you." She said, bowing.

"Come. Have a seat."

Cersei gestures to the seat next to her in front of the fireplace. Emilee did, and placed her hands in her lap, unsure of what to do.

"I want to thank you."

"For what, my queen?" Emilee asked.

"For what you did the other night. It must've taken quite the courage."

"What my brother did wasn't right. He should only have eyes for you. Was he always like this?"


After her talk with Cersei, Emilee headed to the sparring arena. Seeing that Jon was already there, she grabbed a sword, and walked toward him.

"Need a sparring partner?"

Jon shrugged, but accepted the offer. The two friends paced, sizing each other up, before starting. It was clock work. The clangs of their swords could be heard through out the yard. People would occasionally stop and watch, before going about their duties. At the end of their session, Jon decided to bring up some news.

"I'm leaving for the wall."

Emilee dropped her sword in shock.

"What? Jon..."

"I've been thinking about it for a while. I talked about it last night with uncle Benjen."

Emilee picked up her sword, gripping the hilt.

"But...why? What about your brothers and sisters?"

"I'll miss them. But I can't stay here any longer. A bastard has no place here. I'm sorry Emilee, but I've made up my mind."


Everyone in Winterfell could tell something was wrong. Anytime they would see Emilee, her expression was stone cold, and not the usual soft 'n happy expression. People would rush to get out of her way, and look the other way if she was coming. They all wondered if the king had pissed her off again. Whatever the matter was, Emilee was angry.

She made her way through Winterfell, on the warpath. Her wolves followed with urgency, wondering what set her off. When she found Ned and Catelyn, she calmed her expression, and walked over.

"My lord, my lady. I need to speak to you both. If that's alright." She said, in a calm tone.

"Of course," Ned said. "Let's go somewhere private."

Ned ushered Catelyn and Emilee to the weirwood tree, where they could talk openly and privately.

"Alright. What do you wish to speak to us about?"

Emilee took a deep breath before speaking.

"I've kept silent about this, but I can not anymore. Who are Jon's parents? His real parents."

"Emilee..." Catelyn started.

"No. I may be young, but I'm not stupid. I know when someone's telling a lie. I need an answer. I will not back down."

Emilee's jaw was clenched, and her hands were placed in front of her. This usually indicates that she's won't leave until she finds a satisfactory answer.

Ned looked her, then his wife, before speaking.

"This must never be spoken of. TO ANYONE."

"Ned, what is it?" Catelyn asked.

Ned looked at his wife with an apologetic expression.

"I promised that I would keep them safe."

"Who did you make that promise to?" Catelyn asked.

"My sister."

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