Family Time

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*Before I go any futher, I'm running purely off of memory, and clips from YouTube. I have the first season, but my blu-ray player has become the family dvd player. So if anything is wrong, pm me the corrections, but be nice about it. So, that's that, and I hope you all enjoy this part. It's going to be a bit shorter, but was I sort some things out, I'll try and go for longer parts.....

Emilee spent her morning in relative quiet. She walked with her wolves, Duchess in her left, Frost on her left, and Shadow and Shade in the front. She could tell the people were curious, but were too afraid to approach. She was about to head down to the beach, when she heard Daenerys call out her name. She turned around to see the fare haired girl walking towards her.

"Hey. Do you mind if we spend time together? I know it's a bit earlier than we planed --"

"I don't mind. I was about to go to the beach."

The two headed to their destination, with Daenerys occasionally asking questions.

"Where did you grow up, if I may ask?"

Emilee chuckled.

"You may. I was raised in Winterfell for most of my life."

" are a Baratheon. Wouldn't have you been raised in Storm's End?"

"I would have. But your father wanted a Valyrian wife for Rhaegar. Which is near impossible, due to the doom of Valyria. Without finding what Aerys wanted, my mother and father headed back home. Unfortunately, they were caught by a storm just within view of their home. My brothers tried caring for me as best as they could, but Robert had his friend raise me in Winterfell."

"Do you miss your parents?" Daenerys asked.

Emilee pursed her lips. Her eyes distant, and unfocused.

"I suppose I do miss them, seeing as they are my parents. But I do not miss them as terribly as I should. Can't truly miss what I've only had as an infant. What about you? Is there anything that you miss?"

"I don't know. My mother's belongings. We had to start selling them in order to have money to eat. But when we sold her crown, that's when my brother broke. He used to be kind to me, from what little I can remember. But after the crown was gone, he changed."

Emilee frowned.

"Surely he still has some empathy within him?"

"I do not think so."

Hearing this left a sour taste in Emilee's mouth. Not wanting Daenerys to linger on the depressive topic, she changed the subject.

"You said you had to move at lot when you were younger. I was wondering, would you have to move again soon?"

Daenerys looked out at the see. Taking in a beautiful sight, she knew that she would no longer be able to gaze upon after her wedding.

"My brother is marrying me off to a Dothraki warlord, so that he may have an army to seize his kingdom back."

"You're joking. Even if the Dothraki omens favored war, there's no way that Viserys could lead a Dothraki army. They've never crossed the sea!" Emilee exclaimed in disbelief.

Ned was right. Targaryens are mad.....

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