Gratitude - A/N

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So, it ends.

Ri's story is finally done.

When I started writing this, I didn't foresee this. I didn't expect to actually have such mixed feelings at the end. A sense of completion, at having given her what I hope is a fitting ending, and a sense of sadness at having to leave her here and move on.

But it is time to move on.

Before I do, I want to thank all the readers who have taken the time to read this and have been so very encouraging. You have helped me be brave and for that, I find myself without the right words to thank you. It has been a joyride and a journey to be read by you.

Some have asked whether there will be a sequel. Not to Ri's story, no. Her tale is done and I don't want to spoil it. I am giving some thought as to whether there is another story to be told in the Clanlands, let's see who speaks to me and wants their story told :)

If there are any questions you'd like answered, feel free to comment or message and I will do my best to fill in the gaps.

And so, to end - 

Ri, Clanspeed.

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