chapter one: Dawn

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Ceaser POV

It was dark and I was making my way back to the Dark Moon mansion, I ran in my wolf form while the cold breeze hits my fur and I felt amazing.

I reached the house and changed back to my human form, I tried coming home early after the long run and it was a rule for the park members to be at the park house by 8pm because the rogues had been attacking our people at the boarder and it wasn't safe at night.

"Where have you been Ceaser I was fucking worried about you you know how it gets dangerous at night" my mum Petra Harrison was a tall beautiful woman with dark brown hair and her figure just suits her character.

"Mum don't worry am the alpha and nothing will happen to me I just went for a run I really needed it"

"Be careful son it's dangerous out there the rouges wont give a damn who they attack" my dad said while coming down the stairs.

"I smell bacon and eggs" my baby brother Scott said with a sleepy voice..

I swear this family just gets me going everyday and if they don't stop feeding me bacon that will be the end of my handsome face and masculine body.

After we moved to San Francisco my father decided that I should enroll at Dale College and going to school is my worst nightmare

I woke up at exactly 6:30 and took a cold shower, I hate school but my parents don't seem to understand how school works this days.

"Arrgghhh I can't believe this is happening I hate school "

You have too endure this torture you never know we might meet our mate " Vladimir said.

"Shut up Vlad you ain't going through this I am doing it alone and it fucking sucks"

Went downstairs and grabbed breakfast and took my car. And started the long torturous journey. I hate this...

What do you think guys that's my first Chapter hope u like it.💓💓

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