Girl Meets Sneak Attack

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We had just arrived at Riley's after Maya had to drag me out of bed by my feet. We walked in after Riley buzzed us in and they were all eating breakfast.
"Maya, oatmeal."
"No thanks, Mrs. Matthews."
"Oh, I wasn't asking."
"Aiden, Farkle, you too." I didn't argue with the woman. I just sat down and started eating. Farkle, however, did not.
"Thank you. But my mother already made me eggs, home fries, wheat toast, marmalade and a strawberry shaped like a star."
"I'm going to the Farkle's. Who's with me?!" I laughed at Auggie's comment and just continued eating as others raised their hands.
"Sit down. Eat it please."
"But it's still this."

"Hey, Auggie, guess what."
"It's Googly time."
"No TV at the table," Topanga said sternly.
"You're right, Topanga. This table is about the discussion of today's events only. Riley."
"I woke up. I love everything. I sat here."
"All caught up. Googly time!" Mr Matthews turned on the TV to Auggie's favourite show.

Here comes Mr. Googly and his foogly boogly friends.

Auggie stood up and switched the TV off.
"I'm too old for Mr. Googly. "
"But, Auggie, Mr. Googly is your best friend," Topanga said picking his Mr Googly teddy and pretending to be him.
"Auggie, I'm your foogly boogly best friend."
"Can I tell you a secret?"
"Of course. You can tell Mr. Googly all your secrets."
"I have a new best friend now." I didn't really expect that from Auggie. He grew up with the show and has always loved it. It was his favourite.
"Oh really? Who would that be?"
"I don't want to tell you who she is." We all looked at Auggie's and spoke in unison.
"I said too much."
"Okay, why don't you tell Mr. Googly all about your new best friend and none of us will listen." We gave Mr Googly to Auggie.
"I'm this many. I'm done with you now. Goodbye." He put Mr Googly on the sofa and walked away.
"They grow up so fast."

I was walking with Maya and Riley and Riley was so happy for some weird reason.
"I was so worried about this new school year. New school, new people, I didn't think I was going to survive. Not only am I surviving, I'm thriving. I'm like a plant going like this." She made some weird action with her hands and arms that made her look like a complete weirdo.
"What was I so worried about?"

Maya looked into the classroom and turned around and really quickly placed her hand over Riley's eyes.
"What are you doing? Oh, but this is too easy. It's Maya. I know because I saw you put your hand over my face. I'll do you now." Riley took Maya's hands off her face and went to put her hands over Maya's.
"Oh, that's not the game."
"What's the game?"
"The game is protect the plant from the bulldozer in the pink sweater. "
"Oh, Maya, bulldozers don't wear pink..."

I looked into the classroom and saw none other than Missy Bradford flirting with Lucas. The pit in my stomach felt like it could be seen. It hurt like mad watching Missy flirt with him. She's tormented me and bullied me since I was adopted by the Hart's in first grade.
"You okay?"
"Oh, look what the bulldozer did to you."
"There are other girls in this world." "There are," I said to Riley.
"And other girls, like Missy Bradford, are going to talk to Lucas."
"They are. "
"I don't like that."
"I know."
"I wish the world was just me and you."
"Then it is."

I looked at Maya and Riley and they had completely forgotten that I was there. It hurt like mad. They just wanted the world to be them two and I wasn't involved in Mayaville and Riley town. I walked into the class and went right to the back and took Myzell's normal seat which made her go to the front and take my seat. Maya looked back at me and I just didn't make eye contact with her. Riley was too busy with the Lucas and Missy thing to even bother noticing I wasn't there.

"Sneak attack December 7th, 1941. A date which will live in infamy. "
"A date? They're going on a date? In Italy?" Was Riley actually that hurt by this?
"No, honey. You're in History."
"I'm history?"
"Okay, put your hand up." Maya grabbed Riley's hand and lifted it up.
"Yes, Riley? You have a pertinent observation on the subject of the sneak attack?"

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