Girl Meets the Tell Tale Tot

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"All right, weirdos. Listen up and listen up good. I got like a minute before he walks through the door," Maya said.

"Who's coming through the door, Maya?" 

"Your Uncle Boing," Maya said, and my face lit up.

"Oh, Maya, you've got to get off of this," I said to her. The hardest thing about it was how close me and Josh were becoming.

"Nope. The reason he's not interested is because I've been playing it all wrong. See, my strategy of turning into a total Nut job at the mere sight of him ain't working out as planned," Maya said causing me to snigger slightly.

"Maya, it's nothing you're doing. It's the age difference," Riley said to her. Would the same apply to me and Josh?

"Three years older. Your dad married your mom. He's like 20 years older," Maya said gesturing towards our teacher and his wife.

"We're exactly the same age," Cory added into the conversation.
"What?!" I even knew that!
"I just need to be cash. How's this?" Maya placed her feet on the table.
"Yeah, how's this?" Topanga just pushed her feet off of the table.

As this was happening, Josh himself walked into the room.
"Hey, family," he said confidently as he walked over to me and placed his arms around my neck, as if he was gonna choke me out, and then just ruffled my hair. I looked up at him and he looked down at me and smirked. This guy was the bane of my existence.

"Yeah, hi. I don't care," Maya had said, and I couldn't help but laugh to myself, which I am sure Josh heard.
"My brother," Josh has said to Mr Matthews.
"My brother," he said back to him.
"So, Riley, Aiden, shouldn't we be heading to school now, since there's nothing here for me of any interest?" I saw Riley give her the 'not gonna happen' look.
"Sure. Let's go," I said.

"I came up here because I wanted to do this in front of all of you. I hold in my hand an envelope from New York university," I stopped and listened, and so did Maya.
"Ohh. Are we stopping?" Riley noticed Maya come to a halt.
"I'm not stopping. I'm resting," Maya explained, trying so hard to convince Riley of this lie.
"What's in this envelope tells me where I'm gonna be for the next four years," Josh continued, which caused me and Maya to both stop again.
"Ohh. Are we stopping?"
"I'm not as young as I used to be," Maya exclaimed to us both.

"Good luck, Josh," Riley shouted.
"Hope you get in," I added.
"Yeah, hi. I don't care," Maya then said as we left the room.

Next thing I realised, Maya was sprinting back into the room, and she jumped up onto Josh's back whilst screaming 'Where will you be?'.
"Hold on to your dignity, woman!"
"Too late for that," Auggie had added to Riley's comment.

"Get off me, you little ferret!"
"Give it!"
"It's my life!"
"It affects me, too!"
"Dear applicant Boing."
"It doesn't say that."
"This year we are only accepting married applicants."
"It doesn't say that!"
"So We regret to inform you that..." "Regret to inform me?"
"We regret to inform you that you will be spending the next four years in New York with Maya!"
"I got in? I got in!"
"We got in. Congratulations."

"That's so great," I added after Maya and Josh's hustle.
"I don't know what this means," Auggie exclaimed with a happy smile on his cute little face.
"Congratulations, buddy. I'm so proud of you," Cory said to his little brother.
"It means a lot, Cory," he replied.

"All very exciting, I'm sure. But Riley, Aiden and I have our own educations to which to attend to which," Maya said grabbing me by the collar of my shirt and dragging me away.

"This is so great. And my buddy who goes there invited me to his dorm tonight to meet some college friends if I got in," Josh had said, and Maya stopped once more.
"Ohh. Are we stopping?"
"Nope. We're doing something else now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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