After a journey of a few days, she arrived at her cousin's home. Zechariah, her husband, welcoming most of the time, said nothing. Miryam would find out why soon enough. Upon seeing the home, Miryam called out to Elisheba. As Elisheba came to the entrance of the home, tears streaked down Miryam's face. It was true! The Lord had blessed she who was barren with a child.
"Miryam! Oh, is it you? The moment I heard your voice, my child in my womb lept for joy! Who am I that the mother of my Lord would come to visit me?" They embraced and cried for what seemed a long time.
Miryam's words rang in Elisheba's ears months after she said them:
My soul magnifies the Lord
My spirit rejoices in Him who has saved me
He has looked upon me, a low servant
From today on Every Generation will call me Blessed.
The Mighty One has done great things to me
Holy is His Name.
His mercy is with those who trust in him
From generation to generation
He has shown us strength with His arm
He scatters the proud in the imagination of their hearts
He exalts them of low status
He feeds the poor
And sends the rich away empty and hungry
He has helped his Servant Israel
In remembrance of his Mercy
This He spoke to our father Abraham
and to his seed forever.
* * * * * * * * * *
The next three months went by so quickly, with the birth of Yochanan, that Miryam didn't really think too much more about the problem she would have when she returned home.
The miracle of Yochanan's birth was enough to render Miryam silent. His father, Elisheba's husband, was muted from the time Elisheba's expectancy was announced until the day of his briss, where he was named. Many argued his name should be of his father's, or an ancestors, name, but he wrote the name down. Then as the Rabbi said the name aloud, Zachariah's mouth was again opened.
"Our Redeemer does marvelous things indeed!" Miryam said to Elisheba before her departure. "Thank you for allowing me to share in your miracle, Elisheba! May the Lord bless you and keep you!" They hugged before Miryam climbed onto the wagon and rode slowly back towards home.
A/N: Mary's song can be found in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 1. I purposely did not write it verbatim.
SpiritualThis is based on the story of Mary (Miryam) from the Gospel of Luke, and from other Gospels. This is her life, and the life of Jesus (Yeshua) from her perspective. At the very core of Christianity is her willingness to say yes to God, knowing the di...