Chapter 25

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Battle Scars

Chapter 25


Songs I listened to while writing this chapter:

Stay High- hippie sabotage

Battle Scars- Luke f. Guy seb

Adore You- Miley Cyrus

Fire N Gold- Bea Miller

You Distract Me- Gale Harold

Count On Me- Bruno Mars

Skinny Love- Birdy


Irresistible- One direction

Don't Let Me Go- Hardy Styles

Moments- one direction

Tides- Jack&jack

NaNa-trey songz

Half a heart- one direction)


Mrs. Mendes is the one to open the door.

"Bailee..." she says

"Is Shawn here?" I ask

"No..., he just left." She replies

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding as I step in the house.

"I just came by to get a few things." I say trying to not make her suspicious. I don't know what Shawn has told her.

"Shawn told me you two had an argument." She says as if she has read my mind.


"'re gonna be okay right?" she asks.

I look into her eyes and answer as honestly as I can.

"I don't know, Mrs. Mendes. Sometimes it's not about ones self, but about the greater good." I fight the tears spotting my vision.

"What do you mean?" she looks confused.

"Im....going away."

She looks stunned.

"You can't." She takes in a shaking breath.

I can't make her miserable. It's easier just to rip the bandaid off, right?

"Yes. I can." I cringe at my cruelty. All she has ever done is make my life better, and here I am.

She looks like I just slapped her and I hate myself for it.

"Can you just tell me why you have to leave? Can't y'all work it out somehow? For gods sake you're 15!" She says as a tear rolls down her cheek, stabbing me in the heart.

"Mrs. Mendes, I'm sorry. I will tell you where I'm going and I'll give you their home phone number." I lean against the kitchen counter.

She doesn't respond, but shuts her eyes and turns her head.

"I'll tell you about it someday. About why Shawn and I just can't stay together. Why I have to leave. It's for the best." I walk into my bedroom and shut the door, locking it behind me.

I take all of my stuff out of the dresser and shove it into an airline travel bag.

I walk over to our closet to get my shoes, and sift through the Tshirts and jeans throwing my stuff into my bag.

I pause trying not to crumble to the ground when I see my red prom dress in the back of the closet. Creased from the night everything changed.

I slide down the door frame and cry into my hands.

I have to get it together. I need to leave before Shawn gets back.

I shut the door to our small closet and head over to my bed.

I lift the little twin mattress and grab the wad of cash I've been collecting over the years.

I have saved over $1,500.

Enough for an airline ticket to North Carolina.

Crap. One thing I didn't think about.

I grab my phone from my pocket and pull up Nash's contact.

Hey. It's Bailee...i have to ask u a huge favor..


Hey!!How are y'all? Oh and sure anything

I decide to just call him to make things easier.

(A/N I'm gonna be lazy rn and just put N for Nash and B for Bailee cause I've been at volleyball tournaments and I'm exhausted.)

N: "Hey"

B: "hey"

N: "so...whats the favor?"

B:"I'm so sorry, but I have no other option."

N: "what is it?.."

B: "can I come stay with you a couple weeks, maybe months?...Im so sorry I know it's a lot to ask and I hate myself for it but I have no other choice."

N: "No!No! Yeah that'd be awesome, but is Shawn coming too?"

B: "no. That's the problem. I'll tell you about it later."

N: "when are you coming?"

B: "I'm getting the next available fight."

N: "that shouldn't be to hard. Not much here"

B: "ha. Well I'm gonna pack so I can get to the airport. Thank you so much Nash it means more to me than you could ever imagine."

N: "Of course Bailee. Call me later."

B: "yeah sure."

Call ended

I stick my cash in the top pocket of my bag and shove my phone in my pocket grabbing my charger from the nightstand before turning on my heels and opening the door to a room I shall never see again.

(Photo: apps used by Bailee)

Battle Scars (Shawn Mendes, Hayes Grier, and Jack Gilinsky fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now