Chapter 3: Exploring the Studio

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You'd called out a few more times, but had received no sort of response. It was creepy. You could have sworn you were suppose to meet Mister Drew here, and yet there were no signs of him. It kind of irked you. You decided to look around this main floor, and see if there were any signs of life. You didn't see anything but a few posters on the wall. There were a few Bendy posters, a Boris poster.. Hm. You walked down the hall, the old wooden floor creaking with each step. 

You walked into the main area, spotting a projector, which was still on.. Odd. There was a chair next to it, but you decided to leave that alone for now. You tried a few doors, only to find most of them locked, and then noticed an odd little hallway. You turned to walk down it, spotting a desk in the corner, with a few old sketches on it. You remembered a few of Henry's stories, and knew that this would have to be his old desk. He wasted so much time in that chair..

You turned to see another room, which was practically overflowing with old animator's desks, each of which seemed to have an unfinished sketch or celluloid on them. Huh. Its like they left in a hurry. You stepped into that room, and instantly noticed.. ink? There was ink coming from a little bathroom in the corner. Odd. Very, very odd indeed. You turned to leave, only to hear what you could have sworn were footsteps right behind you. You turned to look, but there was nothing there. 

Sort of creeped out, you ventured out of the room, turning the corner, and stepping back into the main little room, only to see a sign and three large, rotating.. film reels? The sign said 'Joey Drew Studios', proudly displayed there. You shrugged it off, spotting another hallway. It seemed to go much farther than the previous one, so it was probably worth a look. Stepping into that hallway, you followed it, only to see a long hallway, a sign at the end of it bearing some writing..

Ink Machine.

What on Earth is an 'Ink Machine'? Didn't ink come from, like, stores and such? Why would you need a machine for it? You decided to walk that way, seeing a few doors along the sides of the hallway, all of them being locked. Of course. You tried to force one of the doors, but were unable to. You've got to be kidding me. Are these all locked?! 

Suddenly, one clicked. You weakly opened it, only to find a small room with a desk, and a radio. You tried the radio, but it didn't seem to want to work. Makes sense. This thing had been sitting around for years. It wouldn't work after that long. You exited the room, closed the door, and walked towards the doorway with the Ink Machine sign above it. 

Stepping through the doorway, you saw a small section of hall, with a pipe you'd have to hop over. Unfortunately, it seemed that the doorway that lead directly to the Ink Machine was boarded off, and try as you might, those boards weren't coming out. You turned, left the small hall section, and entered the main hall again, noticing another large doorway that had been closed before. 

You stepped through the doorway.. and noticed ink on the floor. It almost looked like.. footprints. Against your better judgement, you followed these odd footprints down the hall, and further down.. and further, until you reached the end of the hall, and came to a decision. Left, or right? The footprints lead left, so you turned left, only to see something shocking. 

On a slab was something you didn't think was possible. It was a real-life Boris the Wolf, chest sliced open, ribs visible. You couldn't believe your eyes! You slowly approached, unable to believe it. You reached out, placing a hand onto the wolf's snout. It was real. It was real, and it was right in front of you.. and it was dead. 

You couldn't deal with it.. Boris the Wolf had been a living, breathing thing at one point, and here they were, dead.. Everything went black. Your mind went blank.. 

What was going on..?

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