Chapter 5: Bacon Soup

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Boris had looked over any sort of wounds you'd received, which were minor. A few scrapes and bruises, really. You must have fallen down a few times after blacking out. Boris was proving himself to be quite the friendly sort, always willing to help you out, even with the simplest of things, and even telling  you a few stories about your grandfather. He still had no idea that Henry had passed, and you weren't sure about when a good time to tell him was. Boris had even made you a special little dish that he called 'bacon soup'. 

Bacon soup was odd. It looked nearly black, and sort of chunky, but when cooked, it tasted alright. It was pretty filling, too. You weren't quite sure how one can of soup could make you feel so full. Maybe it was just heavy. Made a lot of sense. Boris had made sure you were well looked after, even though it was obvious that he barely had enough for himself. You decided to take a peek, and only saw one can of Bacon Soup left. Seems Boris knew as well.. He caught you taking a peek, and simply said "I need to go grab a few more cans.. If you feel up to it, I could use the help."

You gave a nod "Sure. I'll help you find some more cans of this stuff.." And, with that, the two of you prepared. Boris handed you something odd, being an axe. You weren't quite sure why you had it, but were sure that it was important for some reason. Something about this axe almost felt familiar, so, you made sure to grip it nice and tight. Off you two went, beginning the hunt for more cans of that soup. 

The floor you were on finally revealed its true colors, ink splattering the walls, and floorboards creaking under your feet. It was quiet.. eerily quiet.. 

You didn't trust this place. You really didn't, but you needed that soup. You knew you had to get out of here as well, so scouting for an exit probably wouldn't hurt, either. Boris remained close, basically staying by your side as you two walked down the hallways, the wolf grabbing at any cans of bacon soup he could find, storing them in a sack he'd brought with him. 

You had that axe held tight, and finally, you knew why you had it! You heard a.. croaking? It sounded like someone gargling. From around a corner hobbled a deformed as fuck looking creature, which looked like one of the Butcher Gang. It basically growled at you, before approaching, Boris looking terrified. You did the only thing that could come to mind!

You kicked the fucker. The deformed inky.. thing fell over from the kick, struggling there as if trying to get up. You raised the axe, and with a heavy strike, knocked the thing's head off its shoulders, the deformed monster's body dissolving into ink, and fading into nothing. 

Boris gave a confused blink. "I didn't know you knew how to fight Butcher Gang." 

You looked to the axe, and then to Boris, giving a shrug. "I didn't either.. Its not too hard. Lets keep looking, I guess."

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