Jokes On You (Bucky x Reader)

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an// this was written a long time ago please dont make fun of me :(

tw// this is tooth-rotteningly sweet idk what else to say

It's nine in the morning and you are about to go downstairs to eat breakfast. You drag yourself out of bed and over to your dresser, looking for some half-decent-looking clothes to wear. You get your shirt and sweatpants from your closet, then you make your way over to your intimates drawer.

You open it to find that all of your bras and underwear are gone. Immediately you know which metal-armed motherfucker is behind this. You had a sort of prank war going on between the two of you and it all started when you went camping and you decided to egg his tent because, well, he deserved it after teasing you around the fire.

You look for your bathrobe, but of fucking course, it's missing too. You pull a big sweatshirt on and your sweatpants to hide your lack of undergarments. The team may be like your family, but they don't need to know everything. You burst into the kitchen, looking for that insufferable cyborg.

"Barnes, I'm going to fucking kill you," He looks up and smirks at you, the jug of milk in his human hand.

"I don't know what you're talking about, doll." He's not even trying to act serious.

"You fucking took my underwear!" You yell, attracting the attention of everyone in the kitchen who were actively trying to ignore your argument.

"Woah, woah, woah, Terminator took your delicates? That's a little scandalous, even for you," Tony said with mock exasperation.

"Buck, did you take the lady's... undergarments?" Steve asked shyly, clearly uncomfortable with the nature of the conversation.

"I think the lady can go commando for a little bit." Bucky snickered.

"Bucky I swear if you don't give me my clothes I'm going to kill you!" You yell. He puts his hands up to surrender.

"Fine, come on," he got up and started to walk out the door, but not before rolling his eyes at you. "If you want your underwear, come with me. I ain't your maid."

You scoffed but followed him nonetheless. He brought you up the stairs and through the hall, and finally, you arrived at his door. You quickly pushed it open to find your undergarments scattered on his bed.

"Bucky, what the fuck?" You whine.

"Hey, I'm just gettin' payback from last week. Remember when you accidentally spilled your grape slushie all over my white button-down?" You chuckle fondly at the memory.

"I did you a favor, that shirt didn't fit well. Besides, it was nice to see what Barney would look like with abs."

"I don't know who that is!"

"Look it up, bud", you pat him on the shoulder as you walk past him, arms full of your underwear.

"Teach me how to use my phone and I wi-" You cut him off by closing the door. You quickly make your way back to your room, not wanting to show off all of your secrets to whoever walks past.

You are going to get him back good.

Prank Attempt No. 1:

You decide to wait a day before getting your revenge. You need to keep Bucky on edge, you wanted him jumping every time you entered a room. Fear is the key.

You have been sitting at the bar for a while now, looking through the window into the den area where Bucky sleeps peacefully on the over-priced leather couch. It's go time.

You take your box of Saran wrap and tip-toe your way over to his sleeping form. He has his left arm clutching a pillow, which is a minor set-back but nothing you can't work around. You've been in the lab when Tony has been upgrading Bucky's arm enough that you know how it works pretty well. You know that he has touch sensitivity created by artificial nerve endings, but those can be disabled when modifications are necessary. You carefully reach over his chest and push down the small button in the crook of his elbow to disable it, then you pick up the heavy Vibranium arm. You move it over to your side of the couch, letting it dangle off the edge.

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