Chapter One

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A/N: Well this took a while to come out, now didn't it? Lol yeah, I've had been really busy with the moving process so I didn't have that much time to write, plus when I was in a secure place for a good while(and still am), I just didn't feel much like writing.

It had been a month since Nightwing's departure, and his promises of contacting the team hadn't quite been met yet. He wasn't answering his communicator, and while Arsenal suggested to give him some space since he was probably busy with Gotham's much more vicious villains, it didn't stop either Kori or Gar from worrying.

Starfire instantly assumed the worst when he hadn't answered her call a day after his leaving, and while Beast Boy had initially found the Tamaranean's worry somewhat amusing, he soon joined her in the anxious feeling for their former leader. Barbara had called the Titans a week later however and informed them the move was going fine, it was just that Dick was very busy in making sure his 'headquarters' was perfect, while also kicking bad guy butt.

That didn't change the fact that Nightwing hadn't contacted them once and wasn't returning any of their calls, even just to say he was busy. It wasn't that much of a surprise, considering how self-isolating he could be while living with the four of them, so of course he'd be even more distance several cities away with more villains to fight.

Speaking of villains, there were a disappointing lack of any on Jump City. Just run of the mill criminals that more often than not surrendered the second the Teen Titans showed up. Even Control Freak, possibly the weakest of all the villains, had moved over to Steel City, and according to talks with Bee, he had been burnt more than twice already by their new member in Hot Spot.

Isaiah had expressed in the past that he preferred to work alone and didn't like taking orders, but in the few talks Beast Boy's had with the Titans East, it seemed like he was enjoying himself, though Tempest had contributed it to the fact that it was the 'ever so dreamy' Karen giving the orders, which promptly earned him a scorching that even burnt past Garth's watery shield which was a clear indicator for the changeling to not mess with Hot Spot the next time they met. If his flames could burn past its natural weakness in water? Geez.

Escaping from his thoughts, Beast Boy looked around him. It was the Main Ops room, the changeling was sat in the dining area, a plate of waffles in front of him along with a glass of orange juice. Also sitting at the dining table was Arsenal and Cyborg, while Raven elected to drink her tea in the living area and Starfire was nowhere to be seen.

Ever since Dick's departure, she had been the resident oversleeper, usually getting up at noon and only seeming awake an hour later. It was a difficult task, but her cheerfulness was slowly returning, that enchanted laugh of hers becoming louder and louder with each day and her shining smile grew wider. But even she tried her hardest to not let it on or let anyone see, he could still hear her letting out her sorrow in her room. A few nights she even spent them in Robin's old room, which was now Arsenal's.

Thankfully, Roy was understanding of Kori's grieving, and would elect to either work overtime when he caught the Tamaranean in his bed or just crash out on the couch with an 80s romantic flick playing on the TV. Arsenal in general was a good addition to the team, he usually had a few good jokes under his sleeve, had fun stories to tell, and yet could still bring that serious edge that the team needed when Raven was too bored with the world to whip the others into shape.

"And then, as I was lining up my shot with my shock arrows, jackass Wally ran right in front of Steamroller and gave him the weakest punch I think I've ever seen. Lucky for him I am the greatest marksman around and I shot that block-for-brains down or else he would've been flattened like a pancake!" Arsenal continued his story of a time Kid Flash worked with Titans East to take down a team of Steamroller and Johnny Rancid, and judging by the contents of the story, the young speedster acted as little more than a distraction.

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