two: elvador

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"You can let go of me now," Jeongguk muttered, clearly annoyed. Taehyung slowly opened his eyes and looked around. They were in yet another forest but it was morning and everything looked more saturated than anything on Earth. Taehyung finally let go of Jeongguk, who he had clutched onto like a koala.

When his feet it the ground, he felt weird, a little shaken up almost. "Woah," the older sounded, lips now unfrozen, regaining his balance. "Where are we?"

"The Kolikor forest, if I'm correct. Something must've gone wrong with the portal, but we're not too far. We'll have to walk a bit, there should be a teleporter a kilometre North from here," Jeongguk said, pulling out things from his pocket. Taehyung continued to take in his surroundings, too distracted to see Jeongguk changing his outfit until the bright flash. "Oh my god."

Jeongguk was now suited with a black cape that went to his ankles, black flowing pants, and sheer black top under metallic armour, suited up with a belt filled with what seemed to be potions and a chain of mini charms. Not to mention the ears.

"How did you..." Taehyung still remained shocked. Jeongguk looked up from adjusting his belt, and only then was the older met with the most gorgeous blue eyes. "Your eyes. A-And you ears! They're pointy!"

"Hmm? Yours are too–" Jeongguk started, but before he could continue, Taehyung's hand sprung of to his ears to feel them, and then be disappointed when they still felt dull. The younger rolled his eyes. "They're hidden, and no spell or potion I have will reveal them. We need to get to the palace."

Taehyung nodded, still bummed he wasn't getting an outfit (and ear) change like the other. It would've made the dream a lot better in his opinion. As if Jeongguk read his mind, he grabbed his chain of charms and plucked one that looked like a lego cape. He closed his eyes and squeezed it, and suddenly, the charm flowed and enlarged. "Here," he said, throwing the garment.

The older caught it and examined the piece. It was a very soft velvet, felt so real, and seemed to be more fabric than the one Jeongguk had on. He unfolded it and and put it around him. Unlike Jeongguk, which grazed over his shoulder and covered his back, the one Taehyung wore covered his entire body except for his head.

"Put up the hood when we're in the village. Make sure no one sees your face."

Taehyung nodded, and Jeongguk immediately began walking, to which the older scrambled to follow.

"Y'know, for a dream, this is tiring," Taehyung said, already panting and feeling his muscle ache.

"We've been walking for ten minutes," Jeongguk replied, rolling his eyes. He really needed to fit up the prince first. "And it's not a dream."

"Mhm, that's what they all say."


"The people in my dreams."

"God I really hope you're not the prince and this is all a mistake."

"Hey, don't be rude! To think I was gonna try and find you once I wake up, hmph."

They continued walking until they reached a pod that resembled one of a telephone booth.

"Green teleporters can be used by everyone, if they're red then you can't because someone is currently being transported to or from there. The ones that are purple, like this, can only be used in case of emergency or by the royal family and it's associates," Jeongguk explained. He scanned his fingerprint before typing a few words on the pad outside, and quickly the door to the teleporter opened. "After you."

Taehyung entered carefully and Jeongguk right after. The door closed on its own before a large flash blinded Taehyung for he had not be warned to close his eyes. He felt light, like when they jumped through that portal, and in the blink of an eye, the door opened to reveal a busy street. The street was definitely no New York. It reminded Taehyung of the illustration from picture books of the world during the medieval times, except there was random things floating in the air and everyone wore clothes like Jeongguk (without the armour). The roads made of cobblestone and the stores of wood, not a vehicle in sight as everyone was on foot.

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