twenty-three: compromise

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When Taehyung arrived down at the stable, he saw Namjoon waiting there for him as he expected. Taehyung got off and Namjoon dismissed his escort to return and investigate the crack along with the others.

"You went to see him again?" Namjoon asked as soon as the elf left, not sounding pleased at all.

"Well, I had a bone to pick with him," Taehyung answered, not showing much expression.

"Hm." Namjoon uncrossed his arm and passed Taehyung the towel he was holding. "I hope you do remember I'm your Royal advisor, your highness. This does not help your current situation. You're really making it hard to keep the council calm. I do hope you consult with me next time before taking such irrational decisions," Namjoon said finally. He looked at Taehyung for another moment, as if he wanted to say something more but, in the end, turned around and transported back into the palace through a portal.

Taehyung sighed, patted his face dry and threw the towel over his shoulder. He waited until he could use the portal again and returned to his chamber. There was another guest waiting there for him at his door.

"Hey. Got caught in the storm?" Jeongguk said, seeming worried but trying not to show.

"Yeah," Taehyung replied opening the door to his chamber. Jeongguk followed him in and shut the doors behind them.

"I'll go change first," Taehyung said and Jeongguk agreed with a nod.

"Yeah, make sure to dry your hair well. I'll wait."

Something about the whole mood was off. Both looked hesitant and their colours were dull, but Taehyung couldn't really think at that moment so he let it be. At least Jeongguk's presence actually helped him calm down a bit. He dried off and got a change of clothes before taking a seat on his bed beside Jeongguk.

Taehyung looked at Jeongguk and noticed the dark purple spot on his neck. He reach out a hand to touch it and Jeongguk flinched as Taehyung's cold and slightly pruned fingers touched his skin.

"Sorry about that," Taehyung said and slid his thumb over the marking.

"It's okay, everyone was too stressed to notice. And I don't mind it," Jeongguk replied.

Taehyung cocked a brow and pulled back his hand, letting it rest on his lap. "You don't mind?" Taehyung teased and Jeongguk finally cracked a smile.

Taehyung hoped it relieved some tension that hung in the air. "What's up?" he asked.

Jeongguk's smile slightly dropped and he shifted closer to the older. He placed a hand on Taehyung's cheek, just staring at him for a few seconds then connecting their lips for a slow and soft kiss. When he pulled away, his hand dropped to take a hold of Taehyung's hand.

"I heard what happened. With the council... and the shield," Jeongguk started. He paused and contemplated on wether he should even ask. "What were you doing there?"

Taehyung looked away, focusing his gaze to the ground. He'd hid the entire thing from Jeongguk since he knew how strong the younger's opinions of Zorock were. Taehyung didn't think he would understand but he saw no point in lying any further.

"I was speaking with Zorock," Taehyung said and heard Jeongguk take in a heavy breath.

"I know. Why?"

"I was upset. It's his fault everyone thinks this curse will make me turn against everyone," Taehyung explained.

"There's a lot he has pay for, we're all waiting for the day, Tae, but we're holding it in. You can't just go out there alone. You never know what will happen. Do you know how many times I've wanted to leave the shield just so that I could get a hold of him in my hands?" Jeongguk said and Taehyung bit his lip.

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