Chapter 2

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As Sheldon and penny entered the bar the smell of smoke from outside wafted and invaded Sheldon's nostrils causing him to cough harshly.

" oh come on non smoker no ones aloud to smoke inside" penny knew this place like the back of her hand Sheldon could tell as she lead him straight to the bar and ordered a whisky and to keep them coming and Sheldon rolled his eyes but had lucky found the best seat in one try but instead had penny sit there.

" no Sheldon it's okay I love the seat next to you under the air vent" she smiled and he smiled to himself as the bartender passed out the shots.

" oh no no no" Sheldon waved at penny.

" oh yes yes yes and plus I heard that alcohol makes you think more" she clearly was wrong but Sheldon didn't want to argue with her not yet anyway he just smirked and sipped slowly on the shot as he watched penny down it quickly.

Sheldon waited 10 minutes before he felt the buzz he felt warm inside and a little dizzy he hated it when his brain felt useless but he wondered if drinking really would give him an idea.

Suddenly he swore he saw a light bulb go off around penny's head before she made him take another shot.

" howwww about we date" penny laughed but she seemed serious this time but Sheldon looked almost appalled.

"Here it will all make sense" she just passed him another shot as he drank it.

" penny that is the worst idea You haveeeeee ever thought of" Sheldon didn't wait for her to give him another shot he just took it.

Penny needed to get on his level and took another one.

"Sheldon it's the best idea I've ever even had in my life" Sheldon laughed it was always awkward when he did but this one felt genuine.

" okay fine penny but how would this work and why would we even do it" Sheldon felt his words start to slur but he was determined to get rid of pryia and thing it took.

" well if you date me it will seem like you have grown I guessssss and Leonard will probably repectttt you more and won't mess with you and plus he will probably get jealous and break up with pryia or she'll notice and break up with him" Sheldon thought for a moment and it really did seem like the most unconventional but best option.

" hmmmmmmm" Sheldon hummed for a minute pretending to think about it but he and penny both knew this was the safest way.

" fine why not but we have to have a dating agreemen" penny nodded

" okay we can make up one rule tonight but not a whole set of rules cause I'm to wasted and I'm pretty sure you would want to be sober to" Sheldon wasn't sure he had many rules to chose from instead opted for the easiest.

" ohhhhhhhh I know" he smiled to himself as he watched penny take another shot.

"Hmmmm what sweetie" penny answered only to be put off by the mans smile it was cute. She blushed to herself for a moment before shaking her head.

" we will have to have nicknames for each other right those ones that display affection immmm going to useeee the nickname hahaha" Sheldon thought of the worst one he didn't want to call her cutie or baby because they did really make sense.

" ohhh ohhh penpen" penny almost spilled her shot hearing that nickname.

"Really pen pen not like darling or I don't know a comic book character name like I don't know"  penny wanted to laugh at him but she knew Sheldon wasn't good at having affections so she just went with it.

"Yes penpen see I just shortened the initials of you're name or I could call you pen penpen in threes like how I knock on you're door" penny stopped him there.

It is what it is (Sheldon x penny) it seemed like a fun shipWhere stories live. Discover now