Chapter III- I Vaporize My Maths Teacher... Again

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So, has I been walking down the hall to the kitchen I was thinking of the time frame until the school trip where I kill Miss Dodd's. If this was the last day of winter break, then that was only a few weeks away. I look around and see that Gabe's sleeping on the couch probably drunk of his head.

I go into the kitchen and take a seat at the table. Sally (I'm going to call her that since she isn't my mother) hands me a plate of pancakes not even saying hello. Well she must hate me in this timeline as well, oh who cares. I was half way through breakfast before Danny boy decides to show up.

Sally hands him a plate and starts talking to him as if I didn't even exist. I listen to them talk not saying a word. They start talking about the school trip, turns out my math was right for once it's in three weeks' time can't wait to see what Danny does when Miss Dodd's transforms. By the way you're probably wondering way I'm calling Dan Danny well that's because he hates it.1

Anyway, Sally notices the time and sends us off with our suitcases. Hugging and fixing Dan's hair while I get a simple bye. She's not even trying to hide the fact that she hates me because that was the first time she looked at me or said something since I got up.

By the time we finally get to school I'm already thinking about killing him. The only reason I haven't is because I told my mother I wouldn't. So, we walked into the school and we find Grover waiting at the doors. I walk straight by him, thankfully he goes to Danny, so I won't be stuck with him.

"So how was winter break?" Grover asked him. When they thought I was out of hearing range.

"Ok but between Gabe and him I found it hard to get any free time." He said sounding exhausted. He didn't sound like that on the bus journey here. When he was bragging about how awesome he is.

"Has he been giving you a hard time again?" Grover asked.

"When isn't he. He hasn't said anything today but, probably realized how awesome I am and decided he should leave me alone." He said getting cocky.

"You know I can hear you?" Everyone in the hall froze. Looks like everyone is afraid of me in this timeline, not that I care I'm not here to make friends. Dan just mumbled something under his breath before walking away with Grover trailing behind him. As he walked by me he sniffed. Now if I didn't know Grover was a satyr I would've ignored that, but I just had to say something. "Powerful scent isn't it." I whispered but with his goat hearing I knew he was the only one that heard.1

He looks at me startled before running off to Danny. I pull out the time table. Oh, math looks like I'll be visiting Alecto, I wonder if she still wears that leather jacket?

(Line break)

So, it's the day of the trip to the museum. I'm sitting at the back of the bus, I'm the only one back here since nobody likes sitting beside me. Chiron showed up two days after I scared Grover. Dan believed he was there from the very start along with the rest of them. I wonder if I was like that? Hopefully not don't want to be like him.

It took about an hour to get to the museum with Nancy throwing wads of peanut butter at Grover and Dan doing nothing about it. He could at least defend his friends geez he's more pathetic than I thought.

We got off the bus and Chiron started leading us through the museum talking about burials and steles and all that mumbo jumbo. I wasn't paying attention until we stopped in front of the picture of Kronos eating his kids.1

Chiron proceeds to ask Dan about the picture after him shouting at Nancy. He spits out a few incoherent words before saying he had no clue. I couldn't help but snigger at him which caught the damn horse's attention. He then proceeded to ask me the question.

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