Chapter XVII- Saving a maiden

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These past few days could of gone a lot better. Everytime I try to give Zoe the memory candy she's in a group or someone comes to us at the wrong time. By my father they aren't making this easy. Today I'm wearing a AC/DC shirt, black jeans, and a leather jacket. Thalia sports her death to Barbie shirt, black jeans, and a black leather jacket. So besides shirts we matched. Sense I can't get a moment alone I decided to mess with Danny. Everytime I saw him I kissed Thalia. She, of course, didn't mind.

We found out during the capture the flag, the hunters one, that Artemis was captured. Suddenly the Oracle came down.

"Five shall go west to the goddess in chains,

One shall be lost in the land without rain,

The Child of Primordial shows the trail,

Campers and Hunters combined prevail,

The Titan's curse must one withstand,

And one shall perish by a hunters hand."

As soon as the Oracle finished she sat down and went stiff again. Really, I'll make Danny and Grover carry her this time. We met at the big house each cabin leader, Zoe, Nico, Bianca, Thals, and myself. We started to break down the prophecy. "Five shall go west to the goddess in chains. That means five will go and save Artemis." Zoe said. "One shall be lost in a land without rain means someone will die in where it doesn't rain." Selena said. "The child of Primordial shows the way means Percy knows the path." Becenforth adds. Zoe grumbles.

"Campers and hunters combined shall prevail. Campers and hunters must work together in this quest." Nico said. "The Titans curse one must withstand. It could mean that someone will be cursed." One of the stolls said. "No," I say, "Its more likely that we have to take on a curse for someone." They nod. Zoe adds, "One shall perish by a hunters hand. It means a hunter will kill one of us."

"So I'm going obviously." I say, "Zoe you should come that's two, Thalia should come. How about..." I look at Zoe "how about Mya that one hunter." She nods. "And Clarrisse your sister Fox?" I ask "of course." She replied. "Then it's settled we leave at Dawn." I kiss Thalia and we leave Danny flared that he didn't get picked. I'm not letting you die just yet. I'll get that honor later. Me and Thalia walk back to her Tree and lean against it. I fed peleus some food as Thals leaned against me and we stayed like that for an hour or so till Danny came down. Peleus growled at him. "What do you want Danny?" I ask Thalia had been resting on my shoulder so she was half asleep. "I should go on this quest." He said. I thought for a moment then shook my head. "Danny Two people are going to die on this quest, Sally would have my head if you were one of them."

He tried to argue more but I dismissed any further talk about it and with that Peleus snipped at him. He shuddered and left. I kissed Thalias head and leaned my head on hers and drifted to sleep. We woke up just before Dawn got ready and waited for the others. Once they arrived we got in and left. We stopped at the museum and went inside. We were attacked by the nementon (Spelling?) And I was already prepared this time so we took it out no problem. I put the jacket it on knowing we'll need it for later. We left there and headed towards the west. We found the train west. And Fred and hoped in. I went to talk to Zoe with Thals determined to give her the candy so she can remember.

Thalia sits in front with Zoe while I sit in back munching on m&ms. "So what's the plan?" Thalia asks. "Simple we follow your boyfriend to find m'lady." She replies. "Want some I hold out a piece of the memory candy in a hand full of m&ms. "Yes, thank you." Zoe eats them and her eyes widen, "What where am I?" Me and Thalia explain what's going on and ask her to be our voice in the hunt. She agrees. Thank Gods now I don't have to fend for my life with her around. The train stops and we get out.

We walk into Hephaestus junk yard and start looking around. "No one touch anything we don't want any..." I started saying but it was to late. Mya had picked up a bow and the giant robot Spang to life. I knew the only way to defeat it so I told the others. "I'll do it." Mya said. "No," Zoe said. She handed her the bow. "Its just like the Moonstar bow. I thought maybe it would cheer up M'lady. Please give it to her." Mya said then ran towards the giant. After she shut it down I looked at Zoe.

"Moonstar bow?" I asked. "It was Commander Silvermoons Bow. He could summon it at night. It had 13 arrows but, we haven't seen him in years." She said. I looked at Thals. I think I new who this was but I was affraid to say. But it has to be him, Alexander Vampra Silvermoon. We continued on. After hours we finally came across the dam. "Come on I'm so hungry I could eat a dam hour." Thalia said. "yeah and I wanna check out the dam giftshop." Fox added. "You guys go on there's something I need to do." I said.

I walked to were I had met RED and saw her standing there. I walked up to her "Hi we haven't met before at least not in this time line. My name's Percy Grace." I said she looked me confused, "I'm Rachel Elizabeth Dare. What do you mean not in this time?" She asked. I handed her a piece of candy. "Eat this. It will explain everything." She gavwe the you must be insane look but ate the candy. Suddenly she jumped looked around. "Who? what? when? where?" She said. "Calm down we're in the past my real parents are Tarturs and Thalassa. The Primordial council wants to over throw Olympus and make me and Thals its new rulers." I said explaining. She looked at me. "I figured that much out, besides the Thalia part. But what I wanna know is why you aren't hiding" she said pointing at the skeletons behind me. I hid she did her bit I said farewell and ran up to the others. We ran to the statues. Thalia prayed to Zues and we were off.

Once we landed we headed towards Mr Chases house. Once we got to his house I knocked. "Oh hello everyone can I help you?" Mrs Chase said. "Yes we're friends of Annabeth. She's in danger and we need help." I said. She got a worried face. "Come on in everyone." She turned and shouted, "Honey you have some guests." She said. "Send them up." He yelled back. When went to his study. The moment he saw it was some teenagers he got the same face his wife got. "Annabeth." He said I nodded, "Sir we need help you won't be able to come with us but if you could give us a ride we need one and fast." He tossed me a set of keys. "Take the truck. And hurry." he said.

We got in the truck and started heading towards the entrance. We almost didn't make it. And I mean 1 more second and we wouldn't of. We got out and met with Zoes sisters. We went to sneak past Ladon, unfortunately he woke. He went straight for Zoe who's eyes widened but she was shoved out of the way by Fox. "Geez that was close." She said standing and we continued to Atlas.

When we got there they were ready for us. We confronted Luke but it took no anval. So the fight started. There were a lot more monsters that last time. A... Lot... More. I ran to Artemis and took the sky. It seemed a little lighter, like maybe Ouranos was helping me.

Even with a Goddess the fight seemed a loss that was until something happens. A monster was going for Thalia, "Thalia No!" I strained I couldnt do anything at all. The monster stopped as a glowing arrow struck it. The battle seemed to hault as the monster turned to stone. "What?!" I managed. A man in silver clock walked up. A second arrow notched. "Your turn Atlas this arrow will make sure you cant ever escape your prison." The man said. Everyone waited, it was if everything revolves around that arrow. "This is the Moonstar Bows Moonstar Arrow. The 13th Star, The star of the unknown." He said as he shot the arrow. Like that moron knocked the arrow away and instead of hitting Atlas it hits Fox. But his damage was done Artemis went at the stunned Atlas and pushed him to me. Once he was under the sky I rolled out.

I looked for the man but he vanished. "He does that. He only stays long enough to get a point because hes trying to prevent a bigger war from happening." Artemis says. We run over to Fox. "The Arrow only hit the Sholder we can heal he." Annabeth says. I shake my head. "I don't think that's how it works." I say. I look at Artemis. "It isn't." She confirms, "This Arrow can have a number of effects. I have no clue what will happen." She says. Suddenly docs body turns to stars and float into the sky making a new constatation the warrior. Right next to the huntress that just appeared, "Mya." Artemis said knowing. We went back to Olympus. Heard a similar speech as last time. Since Zoe was still Alive she didn't offer a spot to anyone else. We headed back to Camp.

"We did it." I said. "Yup. Now until next year when we get to run through a Maze." Thalia says. I laugh. "yeah." I kiss her and we cuddle together next to the tree until we fall asleep. I start thinking as I fall asleep. I cannot wait to marry her.

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