UACOP 1: Human Dog

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And it's done-I don't like looking at it for too long

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And it's done-
I don't like looking at it for too long. Dogs and human parts don't go together at all.
For my 2nd UACOP I'd like to make it more human..and I wanna make it a male because I don't draw males as much-
I think I'm gonna base him off of the Strömkarlen/fossegrim. The fossegrim is a water spirit that plays the fiddle. They're all males, I don't think they can be females- from some stories I've read they're seen as attractive young men. The fossegrim is apparently really good at playing the fiddle, and it can even teach you how to be as good as it is if you offer it shit:
"The fossegrim is said to be willing to teach away his skills in exchange for a food offering made on a Thursday evening and in secrecy: a white he-goat thrown with it's head turned away into a waterfall that flows northwards, or fenalår (smoked mutton) stolen from the neighbour's storage four Thursdays in a row. If there is not enough meat on the bone, he will only teach the supplicant how to tune the fiddle. If the offering is satisfactory, he will take the pupil's right hand and draw their fingers along the strings until they all bleed, after which they will be able to play so well that 'the trees shall dance and torrents in their fall stand still'"
I'll see what I can do with this boi úwù

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