UACOP 2: Fiol

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(I cant draw men I tried-)

UACOP 2 is 12000 on the anomaly scale so he is classified as unsafe

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UACOP 2 is 12000 on the anomaly scale so he is classified as unsafe. UACOP 2 was found by the detector underneath a waterfall playing a crudely made fiddle while singing. When staff approached him to detain him and bring him to the facility, he seemed unfazed. He started lightly stroking the strings of his fiddle and the staffs fingers started bleeding, he then proceeded to violently play the fiddle which caused everyone to be split apart. We had to send in the detaining unit to capture him, a lot of the crew died but he was successfully captured. UACOP 2 is very polite when he's in a good mood and will even offer to teach us how he plays his fiddle, but when he's in a bad mood (which he usually is in) he's very narcissistic, cocky, and arrogant. He will flaunt about how good he is at playing the fiddle or how good his singing voice is, and will often insult us if we try talking to him. He's very difficult to keep in lockhold, he has escaped or attempted to escape 68 times these past few months and it's getting tiring. He likes lamb meat a lot, when we had gotten him some as a gift for not trying to escape for an entire week he was practically jumping with joy. He doesn't only like lamb meat, he just likes lambs in general. He also refers to himself as "Fiol" and hates being called UACOP 2, staff are advised to call him "Fiol" instead of UACOP 2 when engaging with him because of that. He seems to enjoy playing with his hair a lot, it's another thing he's very narcissistic about. He loves water, he's a very good swimmer, but he hates fire. He is very attached to his fiddle and will not go anywhere without it, if anyone tries touching it he will immediately kill them as we found out last month..a staff member was advised to go into his enclosure and they tried to clean his fiddle for some idiotic reason, which resulted in them being stabbed with a sharp stick by UACOP 2. They died from blood loss. He managed to kill someone with a fucking stick. This may be the 2nd UACOP we've captured, but he makes us want to stop trying...
But we have to keep going, to make this world a decent place where we can live peacefully in.
Additional information:
His enclosure is a large forest with lots of plants and flowers, at the very end is a waterfall. He spends most of his time underneath the waterfall playing his fiddle. He doesn't seem to require too much food, only a few lambs every year from what he's told us. Any food other than lamb meat seems to disgust him or make him nauseous. He usually never answers our questions, when he does it's usually a rude remark, but sometimes he does answer them properly. Some of the questions he's answered are written down below along with his answers:

1. "Do you like reading Fiol?" He perked up at this "I've only read a few story books, maybe five or six..I'm not quite sure. Sometimes books would wash up to my waterfall, the pages would be completely drenched..but I would just place them on a rock and let them dry." "I see..what books did you read?" UACOP 2 stopped to think for a while before staff begins to speak from the microphone again "your cooperation would hel-" "Snow White was one of them I think, then the silk roads: a history of the new world, and the rest I don't remember.." "Snow White?" ".." "I'm sorry, that's just unexpected coming from you" UACOP 2 then turns away from the camera's view and leaves

2. "What are your thoughts on love?" UACOP 2 looks a little confused "in my opinion it's pointless..." "and why is that?" He starts to look annoyed "well, it's just a temporary excuse to not be lonely. It won't matter once your dead." "..alright. What about sex?" UACOP 2 looks disgusted "it's awful" staff was advised not to push any further since UACOP 2 is unpredictable and this could've set him off.

3. "Do you enjoy killing people?" "I don't know. On one hand it feels nice to get rid of obstacles, but on the other hand these obstacles are too messy once they die. And they scream a lot" "oh.." staff was advised not to push any further. He still escaped lockhold that many staff have died because of him. He has a high resistance to damage, anything else we use will just ruin the base and everything important we have...a stab or shot to the heart is usually his weak spot, he does go limp for 5-10 minutes when you do that...but depending on how far he reached, it takes within two minutes to an hour to get him back in lockhold. I need a break..we need a break.

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