Part 5

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After I told Kirstie I loved her she hugged me and to be honest, it was the best thing ever. I held her hand as we walked back to the studio room but had to stop because we didn't want to let the guys see us.

"Ok, we need to talk after rehearsal. " Kirstie said.

"I agree."

She tried to walk in but I stopped her one more time

"Wait" I got her in my arms and gave her a kiss in the forehead.

Avi POV continued

*after rehearsal *

"Hey guys, great work. Hey kirst do you need a ride?" Good job avi, that was smooth.

"Oh! Yeah, I do.... umm... yeah." She started blushing! It was so adorable. Gosh I love her so much.

"Cool, well lets go. Bye guys!"

"Bye!" Said the rest of the guys.

As we walked outside we had to refrain from holding eachothers hand but when we got in the car we finally did.

We went to kirsties place to not risk kevin being at mine. 

Kirstie POV

We finally got to my house after the longest wait in traffic. We sat on my couch after grabbing a snack.

"Ok Miss. Maldonado,  whats up" I giggled when he said that. I hope my last name changes soon.

"I kinda knew how you felt about me all this time and I felt the need to tell you. "

"Wow. But... how?" He looked so confused and a little embarrassed.

"Ok well, in the ambulance when they drugged you up, you went off and started talking all kinds of things." I didn't realize his hand was on my lap, which was quite hot.

"What did I say?"

"You called me your superhero and then said you love me. "

His face was red but it was cute, I loved it.

"Ok, well thats all true and I dont regret one thing that I said in that ambulance,  drugged or not."

I put my hands on the back of his neck and he leaned in for out first kiss. It was amazing. We actually didn't stop kissing until I realized he was on top of me. How did we get so carried away.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." He said.

"No, it's fine." I said

"Ok, I dont want to do anything you don't want me to." His voice was firm but sweet.

"I trust you."

We put on a movie and cuddled the whole time. Today was the best day ever.

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