Part 7

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Kirstie POV

As we drove to the club avi and I held hands the whole way there and inside the club. We could see Mitch and Scott already dancing and Kevin was getting drinks.

"Hey man!" Kevin said to Avi.

"Hey, having fun yet?" Avi asked

"Nah, but Scott and Mitch are. Do you know whats going on between them two?"

We all laughed because we kinda already knew they were a thing.

We joined in with the dancing and had a great time. I was getting a bit dehydrated so I left the group to go get water.

"Babe, do you want me to come with you?" Avi asked me. He's always a gentleman.

"It's ok ill he right back."


Kirstie went to get a drink and I stayed with the guys. After a while I saw her come back. I guess she had a bit of alcohol because she came right in my arms and started to dance even more. It was so dark I couldn't even see her face but I knew she was having the time of her life.

Kirstie POV

I really needed that glass of water, my throat was so dry. I left my purse in our booth and returned to the group.

"What the hell?!" I said

I saw that Avi  was dancing with some chick! I felt so sick, like I could vomit anytime now. He was even dancing with her in front of the rest of the guys!

I tapped her on the shoulder and punched her right in the nose. I could hear the oh my gods from mitch and scott and a huge woaaah from kevin.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I screamed at Avi.

"OH MY GOD, Kirstie I thought..." he tried to explain but I interrupted him.

"I don't care. Im out." I said, I was so angry I just walked out trying to contain my tears.

Shit, my purse! I turned around to go to the booth we were in. My heart stopped when I saw that Avi was putting ice on that whore's nose. Avi had my purse though so I guess he'll just give it to Scott or Mitch. I didn't realize I was still standing there when Avi looked right at me

"Kirstie!" He left the girl and was coming towards me.

"No! Don't talk to me!" I said

"Please babe, let me explain!" He said, choaking up a little. It made me cry seeing him like that but I had to cool down first.

I turned around ready to leave but he grabbed my waist and turned me around facing him. He kissed me. It was the most passionate and sincere kiss ever.

"Let go of me. We'll talk tomorrow." I said dabbing my tears away.

"I love you kirstie." Avi said as I was walking out. I couldn't say anything.  My heart hurt. The whole way out of the club and the ride home on the taxi were excruciating. It wasn't until when I got home that I cried. And I cried all night long, eventually putting myself to sleep.

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