🌸 Spring Day, 17

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April, 14th 2018

It was supposed to be a stupid lie.

"Wait, you're dating Hoseok?!" Seokjin shouted loudly for almost all customers in the cafe could hear. 

"Shut up!" Maehwa stood up and covered his plump lips. Seokjin gasped and pushed her hands away.

"Jung Hoseok!" He screamed and called for his friend. Hoseok came shortly after,  jogged on his way whilst furrowing his eyebrows together.

"Y-you dated Maehwa and you didn't tell me a single thing?!" Seokjin protested while pointing his crooked index finger at her. Maehwa could only stared with her jaw slightly ajar, she could hear some snickers came from her side which from her best friend to be exact, Lisa.

"So this is my cousin's new boyfriend huh..." The blond stood up, looking at Hoseok from head to toe.

"L-Lisa noona?" Hoseok stuttered, he knew  the girl very well, it's Min Lisa, Yoongi's cousin. She often dropped by Yoongi's studio which apparently was next to his.

So Lisa and Maehwa were cousins too. Of course! How could he missed that? Their surname were all Min.

"That means Yoongi-hyung is also your cousin?" Hoseok asked in disbelieve, directing his attention toward Maehwa who kept rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.

"You know Yoongi too?" She questioned back.

"Of course! We're in the same major and I... how.. oh my, the world is so freaking small." Hoseok exclaimed. He smiled although it never reach his eyes.

"So, are you guys really dating?" Seokjin asked once again not buying Hoseok's attempt in changing the topic.

The brunette glanced at Maehwa once again, should we tell them the truth? Maehwa just nodded, somehow understood what he's been thinking inside his mind.

But he's about to open his mouth, the door bell jingled, a man with his magenta varsity walked in, his long smooth hair brushed to the back, showing his pretty face pristine clear for everyone to see.

"Hoseok-ah!" What a great timing. It was Heechul who just came to make the situation even worse.

"Oh, and here is his new girlfriend." Heechul smirked while looking at Maehwa.

"Oh, goodness." She sighed.

"So what's up, why everyone silen— Oh, Lisa? Is that you?" The blond rolled her eyes, crossing her arms in front of her chest. She knew him well, the best friend of Min Kyunghoon, aka Maehwa's brother. She knew well how the two were match made in heaven, short explanation, Lisa wasn't a fond of any of them.

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