35 1 13

c h a p t e r  1 :

" DO you miss me
like I miss you? "

— gnash ft. olivia o'brien //
i hate u, i love u


There. Between the trees where the autumn leaves fall so swiftly around us as we sat on the bench, talking about the little things in our lives. How the rays of sunlight felt like piercing lasers on our skin yet it didn't bother us. The times we spent there with everyone else. Oh, the good times. What nostalgia.

And there, sitting on the bench, was someone. In that same place, same person. Back faced against me and head held high, watching the fluffy clouds flying by. It's been who–knows–how–many months since we last came here. I smiled. An idiotic smile it was. It sure was such a long time.

" Melody. "

It slipped right through my lips. She turned her head around and her eyes grew. I held back my excitement. I couldn't believe it. Is this for real? My fingers are actually shaking. Calm down. Keep yourself composed.

"Melody!!" A bunch of people came walking towards where she was. Immediately, I began questioning myself. Who are they? How do they know you? She grinned and waved at them, a chirpy look painted across her face as they gathered around.

I stood where I was.

Far, far away.

And I watched.

They all wore grins and radiated the place with their liveliness. Anyone can tell from afar that they were indeed happy.


If you keep your eyes closed,
maybe this will change.
It would be you and everyone
else in their places with her.

What happened to us? The times we spent together. You remember, don't you? Was it all a lie? Tell me where I went wrong! What'd I do? We were so happy. We can go back. Back to when we had each other. Please...

My eyes glance back at them. It was too obvious. They were happy with one another. A perfect friendship.

But you've been replaced.

A laugh escapes. A hurtful laugh. Something inside me is aching.

Did I forget? These memories were clouding my mind from the agonizing reality. It's because of these dreams of the past that I haven't completely awoken to the present. I haven't accepted the fact: We'll never be together again.

With someone new.
She's with better people.
They'll make her happy.
Be there for her.
They're all she needs.

Stupid me. My voice wasn't able to reach her. It never will.

"Dang! I'm classmates with you again!"

"Ew, not you again."

"No fair. I'm only three rooms away from---"

Once again, I'm back in this school. Another start of a new year. It brings back memories. Sadly, all I can recall are the unhappy ones. But! I made myself promises. Some goals to achieve, such as to move on and create joyous memories. I won't let the past ruin my future. I know I can find happiness again.

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