Chapter 3

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The picture above is Ani


The school day went by fast. One couple is out of the Couple Game because the guy cheated with Jennifer. Man, I hate her she gets on my nerves.

I was currently in a library, I'm a book nerd too. School ended 2 hours ago and I decided to go to the library so I could finish my book.I was reading "Holding Up The Universe" it's a really good book. Right when I got to a good part in the book no other than Trevor Knight himself decide to interrupt my reading.

"You, Me, Couples Game, what do you say?" He said while taking a seat in front of me.

What? Did he just say he wants to be in the Couples Game with me? Yeah..not going to happen. "I say no," I say, while looking down at my book again.

He looked shocked that I said no but quickly covered it up and smirked. Gosh, I hate that smirk. "Come on girls would kill to have me ask them this question." He says clearly not knowing what the word no means.

I roll my eyes, "Then they can gladly kill me and take my spot, I'm not being in that stupid game with you." I say he needs to know when to give up. "You can ask anyone in this school to be in the stupid game with you, why me?" I ask I was actually really curious. I'm not the most popular girl in school, Ani is, but I'm not.

"I don't know..come on please." He says while putting his hands together and pouting.

I roll my eyes, well maybe I should do this stupid game with him. I mean, it could be my only chance to have a normal school year. I can't believe I'm even thinking about this.

I sigh before coming to a decision, "I'll do the game with you," his eyes go wide, "But, on one condition." He thinks for a second before nodding his head.

"We have to make a contract." I smile while he stares at me with a blank expression before laughing. I mean, are you serious right now.

"Wait, you're being serious?" He says While I give him my 'I'm being serious' face before he rolls his eyes, "Fine, we'll make the stupid contract."

I smile before grabbing a piece of paper out of my backpack that was sitting on the floor near my feet. I get out the paper and start naming stuff. There is no way I am doing this without a contract, I'm going to be humiliated by him in front of the school.

After about 40 minutes of us arguing we decided what was on the contract and what was not. No kissing (me), No cheating (also me), He can touch me but it can't be on one of my lady parts (me and him), I have to go with him on every field trip so people will believe we are a couple (him), he has to sit by me at lunch (him), we can both tell Tony and Ani about this (him and me), we are not a real couple (me). And the last rule which was most important, we can't tell anyone we are not a couple besides Tony and Ani.

After we are finished I make him sign his name on the paper and I sign mine. Then we both shake hands. He leaves and I'm still sitting there staring at the contract. I'm going to do this, be in the most stupidest game ever, with the bad boy. Why did this happen to me?

I walk home and fold the paper up and put it in my backpack. I get home and run up to my room and close the door, my mom and dad are at a meeting so it's just me at home. I take the paper out and put it in a secret confinement in my floor. Not really, it's just the floor that I take out and put stuff in.

I put on some shorts and a t-shirt before getting in bed and setting my alarm for school tomorrow. I get on my phone for a while and read wattpad. I start reading the book peach kisses it's a really good book. I checked the time and it's almost 10:30 so I plug my phone in the charger and drift off to sleep.

Hey everyone, it's me the author of this book if you like the book please press that vote button. I'm sorry, I know this chapter is short but next chapter will to 1,030 words or more I promise.

       My biggest fear, is that
           You will eventually
              See me the way
                  I see myself

I love this quote.

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