Chapter 2

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The rest of the school day went pretty good nothing crazy happened. Besides two other couples out of the couple game one couple cheated the other couple broke up. Before I knew it it was lunch, also known as the only reason I go to school, also because my parents make me.

I go to my locker and put my books in and grad my lunch box and wait at Ani's locker for her to come so we can go to lunch together. Ani walks over to her locker and looks super happy which is weird because Ani is never happy about school.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" I ask, actually curious, she gets her lunch box and turns around.

" reason," She says I wait because I know she'll tell me, "Only that Tony asked me out and now we are in the Couples Game!" My mouth drops, what?!? Did I hear her right?! Didn't he and Jennifer just break up?! Like seriously 4 hours ago!

"Ani! Are you serious?! Him and his girlfriend just broke up and you guys are already dating?!?" I yell because I'm in utter shock. She flinches and then she must have realized I'm actually mad.

"Ava..I know ok, it's just he was so devastated and I helped him then he asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend. And he's really cute please just let me date him." She asked putting her hands together, ugh I swear she's lucky she's my best friend.

I sigh, "You're lucky your my best friend." I said, she squealed causing me to cover my ears. She's so loud. When she was done squealing she looked at me with happiness in her eyes.

"Thank you so much! he will be sitting with us at lunch too." She said and looked at me.

"What?!?! No! No! I am not having him and Trevor set there heck no!" I yelled while she flinched. Well Trevor and Tony are best friends they have been since..I think he said kindergarten? I'm not for sure but if Tony sits there Trevor will sit there.

"Pleaseeeee!!!!! I'll do whatever you want I promise!" She says again putting her hands together.

I sigh, "Fine," She almost squealed again when I cut her off, "But, I'm not going to be nice to either of them." I say with a serious face so she knows I'm not kidding.

"Fine, can we please get to lunch now." She asked, I nodded my head telling her we can go. As we walked in we took a spot at our usual spot in the back next to the window. It was sunny outside so the sun was hitting my face. But I liked the warmth so I didn't care.

I take my lunch out and bite into my sandwich. Me and Ani got into a argument about which classic movie was better The Sandlot or The Breakfast Club. I love them both but come on here, it's definitely The Sandlot.

"Come on are you serious "Your killing me Smalls" it's a classic!" I state, she just rolls her eyes.

"The Breakfast Club I mean Claire and John were perfect together!" She says while I roll my eyes we were about to get into another argument. When Tony and Trevor walk into the cafeteria.

"Oh great thing 1 and thing 2 are here." I mumbled while rolling my eyes. Ani elbowed me in the ribs.

"Ow!!" I yell she just smirked.

I turn my attention to the window and look out it. Tony comes over and sits across from Ani and smirks at her while she grins like an idiot I roll my eyes. Trevor comes over and sits across from me and looks at Ani and Tony and looks super annoyed.

I turn my attention to the window again and grad my apple which was still in my bag and take a bite. The sun decides to blind me at that very moment and I turn my head. I see that Tony and Ani aren't talk and are looking at me and Trevor.

I turn to Trevor to see him already looking at me. I turn my head and can feel my face heating up. I don't know why I'm blushing I rarely blush.

I look back at Ani to see her smiling wide at me before turning her attention to Tony again. I was bored so I listened to Ani and Tony's conversation. Which was boring.

I look around the cafeteria to see everyone looking at our table and whispering.

"Perfect," I state, everyone at the table turned and looked at me.

"What?" Asked Tony while I rolled my eyes. Ani decided to pinch me then. I bite my lower lip so I don't scream. I then pinch her back which causes her to glare at me while I smile innocently at her.

"Everyone's looking over here and it's annoying, can't they just mind there own business." I said, clearly irritated, before Tony can answer Trevor decided too..great.

"Well you are sitting with the bad boys of the school." He states smirking while I start to scowl at him.

"Oh your right, sorry I just forgot to care." I say smirking at him while I watch his smirk disappear and turn into a scowl. Tony just starts laughing while Ani is blushing like a mad women.

The bell goes off signaling that lunch is over and to get to your classes.I get up from where I'm sitting and grab my lunch and throw it away while I go get my books from my locker for my next class.

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