The waves are impatient for a peck, jumping high and high in the hope of touching the grey smoke, the roar of thunder make their skin burn with coldness, turning them crazy and wild, making a mess in the whole ocean. Getting insane for one thunderbolt, desiring just one sensation to spread through them giving the pleasure for eternity. Daring the world to step out of their homes, claiming their right hysterically. Craving one after another not stopping for a second, crashing at the mountains wanting more and more. Demanding like maniac for time to freeze, jealousy for the flowing wind and urge to choke her and make the whole world vaccum is eating them alive. Another rumble of thunder tranquil their fiery feelings, the last howl smudge the blazing passion inside them. Grey smokey clouds beginning to melt into thin air, leaving the waves melancholic over the departure of the storm, longing to chase the thunder to the horizon is so strong but they stay where they are for the sake of Ocean, patiently waiting once again.