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(The Tale of Two Wolves Part Two 5x12)

"How did you know?" Elijah questions gently, his eyebrows furrowing in what appears to be concern.

"Every witch in our family locked in the bell tower all week," Hope drawls. "Rowan's Guardian radar has been going absolutely crazy since I got these creepy black veins all over my body. And- and it hurts, you know?"

Elijah continues staring at the two girls until Rowan abruptly laces her fingers with Hope, giving The Original a blank stare. "How long does she have?"

He hesitates, "in Hope's condition we don't believe that she'll be strong enough to handle the full moon."

Hope's eyes widen in surprise while Rowan's grip gets increasingly tighter, "I think you all might he underestimating just how strong Hope is."

The said Mikaelson girl shakes her head in disagreement, "Elijah's right. It's breaking every bone in my body all at once, Rowan."

"Then I'll stay with you," the blonde replies. "We have some freaky power bond that keeps us strong when we need it. Well, we need it, why not use it?"

"Freya said it herself," Elijah sighs. "You cannot strain this bond between you and Hope, especially when you're not sure how to use it quite yet." Rowan tries to protest but the vampire cuts her off with a raised hand. "We will not let anything happen to her, Rowan."

"Elijah," Hope murmurs. "It might be all for the best anyway."

"What?" The Night's head snaps toward thr trybid. "What the hell did you just say?"

"Why would you say that?" Elijah wonders.

Before Hope get a word out, the same jocks from before create a disturbance while they're terrorizing Landon Kirby.

"Nice outfit," one snickers.

"All right boys, let's roll." The alpha male douchebag of the trio lets a smirk grace his lips before purposefully spilling his tray of left over food on Landon. "I'm so sorry," he taunts. "I didn't mean to slip."

"Yoy guys are seven bucks short," Landon says monotonously.

"No, that's your tip, Kirby." He responds, a challenging look in his eyes. "That's negative seven bucks for the poor service we received."

"Poor service, my ass." Rowan grumbles, raising her eyebrows threatingly when the jocks glance her way. Elijah quickly sets a few hundred dollar bills down on the table and pulls Rowan up by her forearm, sheilding her view from the bullies.

"Do either of you know how to drive?" He asks the couple.

Hope nods, "Mom and Declan taught us a little in the old truck, but Rowan almost crashed it, so-"

"You distracted me!" The blonde defends herself, her eyes wide.

Hope squints, "I was putting on lip gloss in the backseat and you swerved into the ditch."


Elijah sets a firm hand on Rowan's shoulder, "I think it's time you learned to drive a Bentley."


Rowan nervously grips the steering wheel, trying not to take her eyes off the road and glance at Hope in the rear view mirror.

"That would be a stop sign approaching," Elijah announces as if she didn't see it. Rowan makes no move to slow down and he side-eyes her, gripping the door handle tightly. "Miss Night, that's a stop sign."

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