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(We're Being Punked, Pedro 1x03)

It's the next morning, and Dorian is teaching a spell casting class to the upper-level witches

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It's the next morning, and Dorian is teaching a spell casting class to the upper-level witches. All of the students are sitting in a circle, where they begin to hold the hands of those next to them. Josie, Lizzie, Rowan, and Hope are among the students in this class. Rowan and Hope were side by side, as usual.

"All right, gather together." Dorian instructs them, "Chain spells are about the fluid movement of energy from witch to witch," he suddenly gets distracted when he realizes someone is missing. "Where's Penelope Park?"

Lizzie smirks before making a snarky comment. "Um, lady cramps, Mr. Williams."

Rowan can't stop the small grin from gracing her lips, because yes, Lizzie is a mean girl, but so is Penelope Park. If the Night had to choose between the two, it wouldn't even be in question.

Dorian rolls his eyes at Lizzie's behavior before moving on, "Sorry I asked." He directs his attention back to the group as a whole, "A disharmonious group makes for an uneven flow."

The students laugh at his unintentional pun, much to his annoyance, "Okay..."

Before Dorian can go further in his lecture, a piece of parchment materializes above their heads and falls into his hands. Josie sees the cursive script on the page and realizes it's a summons to her father's office, "Uh-oh." She muses, "Who's in trouble with the headmaster?"

Hope, who has been unamused by the twins' antics thus far, rolls her eyes sarcastically and gives Lizzie a look, "Probably the people who started a rumble with the local high school."

Rowan gives Dorian a pleading look to open the note, not up for a Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie Satlzman debate again. He purses his lips, opening the note and reading aloud, "Lizzie Saltzman, Josie Saltzman..." Dorian turns to look Hope in the eyes, indicating she, too, is wanted for a meeting with Alaric. "And baby makes three."

Hope straightens up with wide eyes while her girlfriend raises a hand, beginning to protest. "Yes Rowan," he sighs in exasperation. "The headmaster knows you're going too. Off you go," he urges.

The four girls share confused and concerned looks before getting up to leave.


The girls have joined Alaric in the library, where they're following him around the large room, watching him collect relevant books off the shelves while they demand answers for what he's just told them. It is obvious by their words and body language that none of them are happy about what they're being forced to do.

"This makes no sense, Dad." Lizzie complains. "Why are we being punished?"

Alaric gives Lizzie an exasperated look as though he thinks the answer is obvious, "Because you started a brawl at a charity football game that risked exposing what we really do here!"

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