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(2x09 I Couldn't Have Done This Without You)

Rowan heaves as she tries to walk in stride with Hope, her arms occupied with one of the Mikaelson's many boxes of art supplies. "It's not fair," the blonde whines, peeking over the box to look at Hope.

Hope looks over her shoulder, "what's not fair?"

"Stupid super strength," she grumbles. "I can't do this!" She cries.

"It's one box," Hope points out, exasperated.

"One too many," Rowan shoots back.

"You're a supernatural creature too, Ro."

"Yeah," the blonde mutters. "Whoever decided that has poor decision making skills. I don't want these genes!"

"They are cute genes, though," Hope chirps.

"Mhm," Rowan hums, struggling to open Hope's bedroom door with one hand. "I'm still not going to room with you."

"Yeah," Hope groans. "Then who is?"

Rowan shrugs, finally getting the bedroom door all the way open and coming face to face with Alyssa Chang. Her lips quirk up and her shoulders shake before a loud laugh slips out of her mouth, the Night feeling Hope's annoyance surge.

"Oh," Alyssa sighs. "It's just you."

"Alyssa," Hope attempts to be patient. "What's all this?"

"I moved in while you were forgotten or whatever," she replies nonchalantly. "Your side's over there." The girl carelessly points to the bare side of the room.

"No shit, huh?" Rowan cocks her head to the side, eyeing the girl. "I thought we'd just replace all of your stuff with Hope's."

Hope clears her throat, swallowing down a laugh. "I usually have a single,"

"Which is what I had until this exact moment," Alyssa sasses.

Rowan raises her eyebrows, her lips parting to respond before Hope nudges her, gently shaking her head.

"I go to bed at 10:00, so no late-night visitors," Alyssa sends a point look to Hope, her eyes darting between the couple. "And I don't want ants, so no eating in the room."

Hope smiles tightly, nodding her head.

Alyssa grabs a perfume bottle and spritzes it a few times, sauntering past Hope. "Later, roomie."

"Later, roomie," Rowan mocks in a high pitched voice.

Hope sighs, "I don't know how I'm gonna handle her."

Rowan puts the box down on the floor, turning to face Hope. "My room's right down the hall," she wiggles her eyebrows with a sly smile. "You can come hang out anytime Alyssa gets overbearing."

"Hang out," Hope muses.

The Night girl stares at Hope for a few seconds, "you're insatiable, you know that?"

"I do,"

"Save it for the wedding, dracula," Rowan murmurs, pulling her phone out of her pocket. "I have to get to class, but I'll talk to you later."

"W—" Hope gapes. "You're not gonna stay with me?"

Rowan blinks, "no."

The Mikaelson furrows her eyebrows, her lips forming a pout. "The least you could do is give me a goodbye kiss,"

"Find me later," Rowan smirks, shuffling out of the room. "I'm saving it for a special occasion."


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