Birth. (Chapter 1)

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Harry and Jacob Potter were born on July 31, 1980. Jacob was a screamer being born at 11:57 and 3 minutes later his brother, Harry was born at the stroke of midnight. Everything was fine until that Halloween night. Peter Pettigrew was watching the
Potter twins when Lord Voldemort entered the Potter home. "So which one of you is the prophecy about?" Voldemort wondered out loud.
He closed his eyes and felt each of the twins power cores, Jacob was a little above a squib but Harry was on a Merlin level of magic. "Ahhh yes, you it is then." Voldemort Said pointing his Yew wand at the child.
"Avada Kedevra!" He Yelled letting a sickly green light come out of his wand.
Harry stared at the green light speeding towards him and closed his eyes. But the curse bounced off and hit Voldemort instead making a huge explosion. Jacob was hit by a shard of glass from the lamp inside the room making a jagged V on his chin.
Lily and James ran home to find a crying Wormtail and Jacob and a sleeping Harry.
They called Dumbledore who had a unnoticed glint in his blue eyes. "Jacob Potter is the boy-who-lived!!" The old man said very dramatically.
~ 7 years later ~
An 8 year old HarryPotter was on his bed at Potter manor reading a 6th year book he heard his "mother" yell "Oh Jacob you did so good at training!!!!."
Harry walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to make himself a sandwich when James walked in, "Who the hell are you?" The older man asked.
"I'm your other son Harry." Harry said not looking up as he spread the peanut butter over the bread.
"Wha- Harry! Where have you been?" James Asked seeming to finally remember his own son.
"In my room since I was 4 reading." Harry said as he put the ingredients back in the pantry.
"Well uh I'll see you around." James muttered awkwardly as he walked out.
Harry scoffed and walked out to the family room which was a way to get to the staircase.
"Hey I'm Jacob, The-boy-Who-lived, Who are you?" Jacob pronounced proudly and very with snobbishness dripping from his words.
"I'm Harry James Potter and you are in my way." Harry said as he flicked his hands and Jacob flew into a wall.

To be continued
Word count: 406

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