Chapter 1 Introductions

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             Harry Potters POV

It is the date August 17th 1995 and I'm currently at #12 grimmauld place. We're all eating dinner when out of nowhere a bang like noise was heard with two random boys and a baby. They both look around 16. The smaller of the two has untidy black hair rounded glasses and stunning emerald green almond shaped eyes he looked a lot like me with freckles the taller of the two boys has sleek blond hair sparkling grey blue eyes pointed noise and chin I'll say he looked like Malfoy but nicer.

I was brought out of shock by Sirius calling out "who the hell are y'all".

               Albus Potters POV

Me scorpius and Jen were only sitting at my house when out of nowhere Jen picked something up and smashed it, before we could react we all started to glow and i picked her up and held her when we landed on the ground.

I opened my eyes to look at Jen she seems fine I look at scorp. We locked eyes we both knew something strange happend.

"Who the hell are y'all" a voice said distracting us to look where it came from.

One look at the people in the room also I knew instantly we were in the past "oh no" scorpius muttered probably thinking the same thing as me.

All wands were on us it only made me hold Jen close to my chest "please.... Can y'all please not aim your wands at us we mean no harm to any of y'all".

"Yeah and that's what Voldemort said" I gasped it looked like my dad did at 15 who said it "for real who are you and how did y'all get here".

"We swear" scorp says "that we don't want anything there was a small accident and we are from the future".

"How many hours" au... I mean Hermione says.

"Not hours years" scorp says carefully.

"That's impossible" grandpa.....I mean Arthur says.

"Please you have to believe us" I plead "if we kill y'all me and my siblings won't exists in the future".

"Well of course they are lying" mad eye (well that's a shocker) "time Turners can only go a hours not years".

"We didn't mean for this to happen Jen here" scorp gestures to the baby in my arms "found a time Turner in the minute we weren't looking and smashed it, I swear it was just a accident".

"Well do you mind if we use legilmency to see if they are telling the truth" said (gasp again) Albus Dumbledore with the usual twinkle in his eyes.

"Yes sir you may" I say I give Jen to scorp "you can use it on me".

Professor Dumbledore nods "Severus if you may".

I look at Snape and he's exactly like my uncle Ron described black robes shoulder length greesy black hair he raises his wand at me "legilimens" after a minute of him going through my brain he looked shocked "they're telling the truth and beware of the shocks".

Nana smiles "go ahead introduce yourselves".

              Scorpius Malfoys POV

I gulp and look at Al "do you want to go first or me".

"You can go and explain about your dad so they understand".

I nod and put Jen on my hip "I'm Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy" almost everyone starts protesting "my parents are Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass and my dad after the war changed he's actually a good person he works in all parts of st mungo's to help save people" that made people shocked "I'm 16 going to be a 6th year on the 1st of September born March 27th 2006 it doesn't matter what your house at Hogwarts is as long as your personality fits I'm a Slytherin though everyone thinks I should be in ravenclaw".

Al rolls his eyes smirking "everyone says that cause your a dork scorp".

"Emm hmm" I grin "at least I have good grades".

He sticks his tonge out at me "well I have a older brother and a little sister" Al says looking at the past "my brother's name is James Sirius Potter" sirius cheered at that side hugging young Harry "he's 17 born July 16th 2005 gryphndor almost 7th year, my little sisters name is Lily Luna Potter she's going to be 14 on September 1st shes a gryphndor almost 4th year born September 1st 2008 then there's me I'm the middle child I'm also a little different then my siblings and there's a reason for my middle name and y'all will understand after the war but I'm albus Severus Potter almost 16 Slytherin born September 1st 2006 almost a 6th year".

"Who's your mother" Ginny said curiously.

I smirk this should be fun Al grins "Ginevra Molly weasley".

"WHAT" all the brothers Cry.

Everyone else was in shock and Jen started to fuss at the noise "SHHHHH do y'all not see the baby in here" al scolded.

"Sorry dear" Molly says "what's her name".

Al and me smile at each other I say "fair warning we are gay and dating each other" everyone's mouth dropped "and her name is.....".

We both say "jennet miracle Potter-malfoy our daughter".

End of chapter 1: this is my first fic on Wattpad enjoy

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