That Homeless Kid

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This is something that I thought could be a cool way to do a homeless peter one without making it like the normal ones, no offense to them but I wanted to try something different but still have peter homeless so hopefully you guys like it

Third Person POV

Harley decided to move into Stark tower with his adoptive dad, he talked to his mum and even though they wouldn't get to see each other much anymore she decided that he would benefit more by moving in with stark and that was that

3 weeks later saw Harley standing with tony in front of Stark tower as it went back to its original name after the recently dubbed civil war (Tony never got Spider-man for civil war) He couldn't believe that he'd finally be able to live where he can use whatever technology available, it's amazing

After a few days Harley decided to take an afternoon walk to relax until he starts school at midtown next week, walking around the streets he notices that this teenage boy around his age huddle on the corner of an alleyway it's almost painfully obvious that he's homeless but Harley can't help but think about how cute the boy is, 'Harley stop it, you don't even know him'

Harley learnt who the homeless kid is on Monday because the kid came running through the classroom door everyone laughed so he gathered that it was a regular event, Harley did note that the kid who he now knows as Peter looks worse than he did a couple of days ago he also didn't miss the way Peter flinch slightly when someone bumped into his side

Harley walked past Peter every day always smiling at him and after a while (Harley suspects that he also had to convince himself that someone actually cares) he starts smiling back, they also share quick looks when they pass each other in the hallway, it takes a while but Harley realises that he's fallen in love with a homeless kid who looks worse every passing day and he knows he's screwed

After a bit longer Harley starts to sit and talk to him, Harley starts sitting with him at school and over time they become friends and then closer and closer. After hanging out with him Harley finds himself falling even more until he's head over heels

Sitting together watching the sun on the roof of an abandoned building that Peter found (he's not going to ask) eating sandwiches from Delmar's, which are amazing (they may or may not have argued for about 30 minutes about whether or not Peter was getting food) all that aside Harley was stoked to be able to be so close to the person he's fallen for (avenge the fallen, ring any bells?).

Peter started humming a song, a soft melody that made Harley relax and sway along too it. Harley looked at the small smile on Peter's lips something quite rare and then he was leaning in until their mouths were a centimetre apart, feeling the breath of the other until a police siren went off in the distance peter looked up in alarm "Sorry i'm so sorry but I have to go i'll see you later Harley" and before Harley could utter a word he was gone, he sighed and went home not being able to shake the disappointment that he didn't get to kiss peter

It's midnight when Harley is woken by a banging on his window he looks only to come face to face with Spider-Man, wait SPIDER-MAN!!!!

Harley's POV

I open the window and he jumps in then I remember F.R.I.D.A.Y "hey Fri can you not let Tony know that he's here override code - smarter than tin can" I smirked at the code

I only now took the time to look at spidey to see that he's actually pretty beat up, he sighs before looking at me "um I thought you should know who I am" wow, hold on a minute where's this coming from

He pulled the mask over his face and I looked up to meet familiar brown eyes no way, those eyes are Peter's, I want to deny it, not believe that the person that I have grown to love is out there risking their life as a vigilante

Peter, he walks towards me so we are as close as we were earlier and to my surprise, it's Peter who closes the gap between us I'm in shock for a second before I react to the kiss deepening it the kiss lasts for what feels like forever until someone clears their throat from behind us, I spin around to see tony staring at me with a raised eyebrow, I turn back around to see he's gone probably back to the alleyway.

Sighing I turn around once again to face tony he looks at me with a raised eyebrow so I answer the unspoken question "I fell in love with the homeless kid I walk past each day and he so happens to be a vigilante as well" I say all in one breath and tony just looks kinda done "look kid I'm fine with you guys being together just no more being alone in a room at midnight but yeah, night love ya kiddo" he manages awkwardly still not completely getting the whole emotion thing not that I can say anything considering my denial of emotions and anything to do with them, he then heads back to bed with a yawn and a half smile

The Next Day

Walking into school I make it my mission to find Peter so we can officially be boyfriends, unfortunately for me, the day seemed to drag on everything especially slow and then we had a surprise assembly which took even longer so that was fucking fantastic finally when the last bell rings I wait out the front for Peter because it's my most likely chance at finding him

I stand until the place is almost deserted checking my watch the time is 3:20 we've been out for 30 minutes, I can faintly hear something in the background I decide to walk towards the noise to investigate. I end up at the gym and the sound is more magnified now and I can make it out to be the sound of someone being beaten up

as soon as I open the door whoever was there scrammed unfortunately I didn't see their face, I find Peter beaten and bruised on the floor. I helped him up and made sure that all his cuts were okay before getting to the point on why I was looking for him, he just laughs and gives me a small sweet kiss on the lips so I take that as a yes

I still can't believe i fell in love with a homeless kid

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