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(Pansy's POV)

I ran out of the room before anyone could see me. How could Hermione say that? She knows how important keeping us a secret is. If people found out about us... if my parents found out about us... I can't believe her!

I don't even know where I'm going. I'm furiously walking through the halls, angry, hot tears are streaming down my cheeks.

I need some air but my jacket is in my common room and it's too cold outside to go without it. I started to run, too many emotions (and party drinks) were brewing a storm in my head. My vision started to blur around the edges and I felt my legs losing their strength.

"Parkinson?" I hear someone's voice coming from the top of the staircase. My knees gave way and I crumpled to the floor, just a weak ball of emotion.

"Oh my god, Pansy!" A soft hand touches my back and I look up to see a worried Draco trying to help me stand up.

"What the bloody hell, Pansy? What's going on?" I tried to speak, to tell him what's wrong, but the words were stuck in my throat. All I could get out were loud, pathetic sobs.

"C'mon." Draco softly pulls me to my feet, supporting almost all of my weight on his shoulders. "Let's get you to the common room."

"Are you gonna puke?" Draco asks me once we're sitting on an emerald, corduroy couch in the Slytherin common room.

"No- I just..." I could barely get my words out.

"It's okay, Pansy. Just relax. You're okay now. Talk when you're ready."

I sat back into the warmth of the couch and closed my eyes. My head was starting to calm down but all I can hear is Hermione yelling "SLYTHERIN" over and over again.


I woke up to the sound of harsh whispers to my right.

"-won't let you see her."

"-worried about her."

"-can't be in here!"

Bits and pieces of sentences were all I could make out of the argument. The first voice was undoubtedly Draco, I could name that hiss with one ear working. The other was also distinguishable. The higher, angrier voice was one that I didn't want to hear right now.

My head and heart can't face Hermione at the moment. I'm not the one in the wrong. She clearly overstepped my boundaries and she can't expect me not to be mad.

Draco comes and kneels by my head. "She's not leaving until she talks to you, Pans," he said softly, "I don't know what's going on but if someone finds out that she was in here, we'll all get in trouble. Please, just talk to her."

I don't have anything to say to her, but Draco's been put through enough and knowing Hermione, she definitely won't leave. I slowly sit up and wait for the ceiling to stop spinning before walking over to where Hermione and Draco are standing.

The three of us stood there for a minute. Mione was shifting her weight back and forth and twisting one of her curls with her fingers. I looked up at Draco and he looked back at me, as if he was trying to read my mind.

"Okay...well...", he breaks the tense silence, "I think I should just let the two of you talk..." And with that, Draco turns on his heel and walks up the stairs to his room, leaving me and Hermione all alone.

Yay! Chapter two is out and it looks like the girls will (hopefully) straighten things up between them.

Thanks for reading!

Love y'all,

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