page 9 2 days until death part 2

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"ding dong bing bong"the monitor turned on"rise and shine ursine"the monokubs said"num-nyum...this is an official announcement from the ultimate a academy"monotaro said"it's 8a.m,bitches!time to wake up and face the blood-drenched day!"monokid said"I wonder who's dead this morning?"monosuke asked"stooop...if I suddenly see a dead body,I'll puke again"monophanie said"enjoy you killing school semester!"monotaro said and then the monitor shut off,I put back on my shoes and started heading to the dinning room,I opened the door everyone just stared at me,so I made sure that my hair was covering my left eye and it was,so I walked over to the table and got a apple and sat down and I zoned out while eating my apple,but I knew everyone was talking when shuichi and kaede came in"Luca?,Luca?,LUCA"kaede screamed"yes"I said"are you alright,you left yesterday without another word,we tried getting your attention but nothing worked and we we're kinda worried"kaede said"yeah I am fine,I had just went to my room to sleep"I said then monokuma came in"I have announcement!"monokuma said"aaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!"kaede screamed"hey, don't just suddenly show up! it's too much stress for my heart!"tsumugi said"oh, sorry,I didn't bean to surprise you"monokuma said"so you did mean to surprise us"himiko said"well?your announcement?"rantaro asked"it's not terribly important,but... it's easier to stay alive by being an obvious goody two-shoes,right?being thrust into a killing game doesn't mean you'll be able to kill someone easily,so I figured I'd ease you guys into the killing,game by giving you motivation to kill"monokuma said"... motivation to kill?"one~san asked"in short,a motive!that oughta add some mystery to the proceedings!even if a killer is exposed,they could whip up a so story to deceive everyone!"monokuama said"wh-what are you saying?your logic is impossible to understand...!"keebo said"I will now announce the first motive!make sure you record this moment for posterity!now then,the special motive I've prepared is callef the first blood perk!wow!for the first murder that occurs,no class trial will be held!can you believe it?that means the first one to kill someone will get to graduate,no strings attached!"monokuma said"no class trial will be held?"one~san asked"I'm sorry that I made the class trial seem more important than it really is so for the first murder, I've decided not to hold a class trial at all, please just relax,calm down,and kill!after all,the first one's free!"monokuma said"huh? that's all?we just gotta kill someone to get outta here!?"miu asked""that's all"!? what's that supposed to mean!? please just calm down!"kiibo said"first blood perk!? don't make it sound like some kind of game show bonus!"tenko said" say that,but I bet you're really happy,huh?"monokuma asked"there's no way I'm happy!"tenko said"s-stop messing you think this is fun for us?"kaede said""monokuma said"do you really think I'd kill someone just to get out?in your dreams! we're not gonna lose to you!we promised each other we'd escape from this place!you should be focused on how you plan to survive,you "kaede said"puhuhu... spare me your false bravado,you should be focused on how you plan to survive,you just gotta kill someone, right?"monokuma said"why you...bastard!"kaito said"I see...the prisoner's dilemma,how very clever of you monokuma"rantaro said"huh? what's that?"kaito asked"we all know it's better to cooperate rather than betray each other,right?but if you don't cooperate,you receive some benefit that no one else gets, it's an incentive to betray the group to give yourself an advantage,with that in the back of all of your minds, we're less likely to cooperate, that's monokuma's plan,to make a non-cooperative game that takes kaede's plan to get us to cooperate"I said"what?"kaede said"and if a murder were to occur,it'd be even more unlikely that we'd cooperate"I said"it's likely he created this perk for that purpose"kiyo said"right?I bet you can't stand all this tension in the air,right?so it's better to just kill!"monokuma said"wh-what...?you..."tenko said"it seems you are quite serious about forcing us to participate in this killing game,what exactly is your abjective?"kirumi said"his objective doesn't matter!I'm though letting him have his way!I had enough!!!"kaito said as he lunged toward monokuma"rise and shine ursine"the monokubs said"hell yeah!looks like we got ourselves a volunteer!"monkid said "finally, it's time for the exisals!"monotaro said"we won't let you lay a hand on daddy!we want Daddy to smile every day!"monophanie said"youse basterds better pay attention!this is what happenesn when you mess with us!"monosuke said"wh...what?what are you guys planning to do?"kaito asked"p-please, don't"kiibo said"run kaito!!!"kaede shouted I quickly ran in front of kaito so he wouldnt get hurt soon an exisal smashed though the door but in the act also stepped on monokuma"grrrrrrr HHH!"monokuma screamed and soon exploded"f-father!?"monotaro said"wahhhh!daddy got turned into a pile of scrap metal!"monophanie puked"th-this is monodam's fault,somehow!"monokid shouted"wh-what is this...? what's going on...?"tenko asked"I'm not sure what's going on,but..."ryoma said"monokuma's in pieces"I finish his sentence as we looked at each other"s-serves him right!he got just what he deserved!"kaito said"do not celebrate just yet, I'm certain he has a spare that will appear momentarily"I said"th-there is no spare! don't trivialize life like that!"monophanie said"what?"kaede said"when father was still alive,he used to tell us cubs...that we must cherish life because we're like snowflakes---unique in every way"monotaro said"if only one existed,then does this mean monokuma is dead?"maki asked"poor daddy! let's at least bury him with full honors!"monophanie said"yeah, we'll cook him low and slow to lock in the flavor"monotaro said"while we're at it...we should toss in some carrots and potatoes,too"monokid said"ooh,maybe add some leftover,curry,too? y'know,the sweet kind---my favorite!"monotaro said"you'll want an extra-large side of rice too,right"monophanie asked"now that we're the new headmasters,we gotta eat more so we can get stronger"monosuke said"solong bear-well!"they all disappeared"u-umm... what's going on?"tsumugi asked"hmm... everything's a complete mess now,but if there's no final boss...then that means this killing game is cancelled!"kokichi said"huh!? cancelled!?"gonta said"I don't think so, monokuma's just a robot,there has to be someone controlling him"rantaro said"ah-hah, don't be such a worrywart! everything's definitely over now!with the Mastermind gone, continuing this game is pretty much impossible,which means...we win!"kokichi said"yay!we did it!nyahahaha!"Angie said"so we're not in danger anymore?"tenko asked"oh,so do we just wait here for the shuttle bus to pick us up,or...?"tsumugi said"w-wait a minute!we don't know that yet--"kaede said but got cut off"kaede,quit being a buzzkill! everyone's still annoyed about what you did yesterday!"kokichi said"b-but I didn't mean it like tha---"kaede got cut off" there still something you would have us do kaede?"kiyo asked"don't tell me you don't wanna take on that underground passage again!?"miu said"... quiet,we know it's impossible"one~san said"s-sorry"kaede said"whatevs,looks like we're done here,phew,what a relief,"kokichi said then kaede left,soon after I slowly followed in front of her door"kaede,are you alright?"I asked"oh, do you mean?I'm not sad,if that's what you're wondering"kaede said"kaede,it's not your fault"shuichi said from behind me I guess he followed me"huh?"kaede said"the underground passage was a trap,it was a trap to get us to*think*we could work together,then crush our hopes"shuichi said"i-i know that,but...I just wanted to escape with everyone,b-but it's alright now... everything is over,right...?"kaede asked"kaede,I know how you feel,I believe in you"shuichi said"what?you believe in me?"kaede asked"there's something I have to tell you both, come to the library "shuichi said and left"lets go"i said as I left with kaede following close behind before bumping into kaito which she talked to for a bit before following me again,soon shuichi came then she grabbed him and stared walking while I was close behind,then her and shuichi started talking to rantaro and as they were talking I went down the stairs quietly and into the library and waited for the others"ok before I say anything else,I want you two to promise me you'll keep this a secret"shuichi said"okay,got it..."kaede said"of course shuichi"i said"this library has books scattered everywhere even books lying on top of the bookcases but take a look at this bookcase, it's the only one in the library with on top,also you can see that the floor in front of the bookcase has noticeable markings,I noticed the markings the first time when I came here with you two,this morning,I came to investigate that's when I found this..."shuichi said as he put his hands between the gap and moved the bookcase"whoa,it moved!?"kaede said"it swings open...look, there's a door behind it..."shuichi said"hey,do you think this door is connected to monokuma somehow?"kaede asked"I think it might but I don't know anything for sure,this door has a card reader lock,so I can't open it,but the very fact this door is here makes me consider...a certain possibility"shuichi said"that there is a possibility that one of us here is cooperating with monokuma"i I finished his sentence said"thats right"shuichi said"huh? cooperating with monokuma?"kaede asked"it's only is hypothesis right now but... consider this,why *would*there be a hidden door here?,if it we're solely for monokuma's use,he wouldn't need to hide it,he could just have the monokubs or the exisals protect it and keep it in plain sight, however...I can think of one reason that the door would be hidden,for one of us to sneak in to use it,without anyone else noticing"shuichi said"maybe,but...I can't believe someone in our group could be working with monokuma..."kaede said"I can't believe it either that's why to confirm my suspicions,I decided to set a little trap on this card reader?I sprinkled some dust inside the card reader,so that I could tell if it was used,of course,I was careful to make sure the dust wouldn't come loose accidentally and I don't think the person swiping their card would notice or care about a little dust"shuichi said"so if we see dust on the floor,it means one of us used this door,right?"kaede asked"well as i mentioned before this is my hypothesis,I have no evidence yet...even if it's ture and then even if monokuma is gone this isn't going to end,kaede,luca,I just wanted to tell you,no matter what,"shuichi said'mastermind'"I'm going to leave"i said"shuichi what you found can explain a lot of thing but we can not tell anyone about what you showed us,it will cause a panic"I said"y-yeah I understand"kaede said"s-same here"shuichi said we all left then seperated,as i walked my hand glided against the head felt hot and my vision started to blur a bit until i saw some people in front of me.

Their was six of them five females,including the one I called layla and one male all looking down at me each one of them looked different but one thing was the same all their faces were blurred out.they all soon reached out their hands slowly going to me as I stood there waiting until I felt something drip out of my mouth.I wiped it off to see that it was blood
I started to cough a bit as the blood went all over my hand I looked up to see that the figures were gone so i continued to walk to my room.i sat on my bed for a bit then proceeded to look around the room soon finding a pill bottle.i took one out,swallow it and then went to wash my face and glove.

I laid in my bed until the night time announcements went on.i soon when to a dreamless sleep.


Word count:2238

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