page 13 putting eyes in the library

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The morning announcements woke me up this time.i did my morning routine and went outside to see kaede in front of shuichi's door"good morning kaede"I said"oh, morning Luca"kaede said"what are you doing?"I asked"trying to get shuichi so we can get the mastermind but he's not answering"kaede said then shuichi came out"...ah, kaede,luca,good morning"shuichi said"geez! finally,you came out!you had me nervous for a second!"kaede said"ah,sorry!I was just... going to the bathroom"shuichi said"are you ready,then?we have to get the cameras from miu, remember?"kaede said"yeah,right..."shuichi said and we soon left to miu's lab.

Until Angie stopped us saying that their was fighting in the dinning hall.i told kaede and shuichi to go get the cameras while I go with Angie.we got there.I proceeded to brake it off"hello everyone what is happening here""oh,Luca perfect timing,I... really don't know what to do,Luca,ryoma started talking crazy"rantaro said"all I was doing was making a suggestion,so that more people can survive...even if it's just one more"ryoma said I looked at him for a bit"'please explain"I said"don't you get it?if time runs out like this we'll all get annihilated, y'know,the only way to avoid that is to play along the killing game"ryoma said"wait hold on a minute!"rantaro said trying to stop him"kill me, I'll give you guys my life,I...don't have a reason to live anymore"ryoma said.i dont know what happened but what ryoma just said made my heart stop for some reason and I had a feeling like something was pushed against me.mother had noticed"Luca are you alright"kirumi asked trying to touch my shoulder but I waved her off.

(Ryoma's pov)

We looked at luca concerned he looked like he had just shut down like a city that during a black out.his head was down but he was slowly lifting it up but as doing so the room started becoming colder and colder.he fully lifted his head but what I saw terrified me but also intreged me.his face was covered by darkness and is eye glowed pink but the thing that scares me most was the dull look in his eye and his words made me hurt"there is no need for that ryoma,if it comes to that then I will be killed,I am used to protect and now that I am with you,you are all in my protection,so I will be the sacrifice so please kill me if needed"luca said as his face slowly turned back to normal"now if you will excuse me I must be leaving now good bye"he bowed then left.

(Luca's pov)

I was walking to the same classroom were i meet kiibo and kokichi,"sorry if I am late"I said"that's alright we just got here too"kaede said"how did it go?"I asked"she had been working all night,she was even too tired to make fun of us, anyway, here's the result,two cameras that will take a picture when the sensor detects movement and this one will take a picture*and*trigger this receiver of course they're turned off right now,so they aren't taking any pictures"shuichi said as he showed me the cameras"since they are disposable cameras, we'll have to manually wind the film,correct"i asked"yes,miu thought of that,she told us that the cameras will wind automatically"shuichi said"so once they're set up, they'll take pictures every time the sensor is triggered?"I asked"she also modified them so that they'll be completely silent,to not attract attention"shuichi said"they're completely silent,this is perfect"kaede said"it needs to be...these are absolutely essential to our plan"shuichi said"and do these cameras have flashes?"kaede asked"yeah,they still have flashes on them,but I switched them off,they shouldn't be a problem,but we need to make make*sure*they don't get turned on by accident and alert the Mastermind"kaede said"yeah I'll be careful,I'm impressed, though,miu modified them to our specifications"shuichi said"alright,I'll tell you guys a little bit about this classroom before we set up in the library,I think this is the perfect place to keep watch after we set up the cameras"shuichi said"that's fine,but why this classroom?"kaede asked"because we can see anyone who goes down to the basement with the door open a little..."shuichi said then he showed us what he meant"look you can see the staircase,right?"shuichi asked"oh yeah, you're right!we can keep a look out for anyone who goes down to the basement!"kaede said"there's one more reason I chose this specific classroom"shuichi said"is that...a-air vent?"kaede said"it's connected to the library in the basement you'll recognize the smell immediately"shuichi said as kaede went over to smell it"oh!it smells like musty old books!does this lead to the library?"kaede asked"it's probably a vent to control the humidity in the library, remember the dust we noticed in the basement hallway?it leads here"shuichi said"but a vent in a classroom? that's an odd design choice for a school..."kaede said"this vent is the other reason I chose this specific classroom to keep watch,this vent is just big enough for someone to be able to fit,so we should watch this carefully too"shuichi said"I don't think I could fit through there...well,maybe I could but it'd be tough but luca could fit in with ease"kaede said"well,I guess this is the perfect spot to keep a lookout"kaede said again"anyway,it's time,we should set up the cameras now..."shuichi's said.

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