Raider Invaders

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The horns went off to signify the raiders had returned and were attacking the city's outskirts. Of course, the only people who were going to actually care about were the citizens of those spots, huntsmen and huntresses, and people who were generally nice people in Vacuo. Other than that, why should any actually care. You climbed to the top of the arena you were in and scoped out the raiders attacking. They weren't ridiculously large in size, around 500 men strong. Most of the time, it would be around 700 to even one time over 4,000 troops. Which is why the neighborhood exists.

Years ago, raiders would come from around the territory. So, new neighborhoods were established as a fortresses to defend against them. Raiders had destroyed your parent's old home town and forced them to move.

Yang climbed the wall with you and scanned across the battlefield of raiders. She glanced over at you to see you with a determined look covering your face. She too, took a deep breath and loaded up her gauntlets.

Yang: Game plan?

(Y/N): We take them out from here. They can't do much in terms of-

Yang: (Gasps) Get down!

Yang grabbed you and leapt off of the arena's wall. A large boulder came smashing through them and destroyed half of the arena. Both you and Yang looked out across the desert to see the raiders had catapults and archers.

(Y/N): O-Oh, t-t-that's a problem.

Yang: I'll hold them off! You get to your family and our teams and get them out here.

(Y/N): Y-Yang, a-a-are you sure?

Yang: Positive! Now go!

You nodded in response and took off running. Yang charged forward and fired off a few rounds of her shotgun at the raiders. The raiders take notice and quickly turn to face her and open fire at Yang. Yang flips forward and lands on one of the raider's shoulders and flips mid air, spins and punches them in the face, knocking them out.

She back handsprings and fires both shotguns at one to launch her into the air. She turns around and fires three more shotgun rounds at a catapult as well as a few raiders surrounding it. She lands and fires off another round forward to launch herself backward and elbow another raider in the chest. She punches the same raider in his chest and head before grabbing him and throwing him at another raider. She smiles in triumph before an arrow flies by her face.

She looks over and sees a few archers closing in on her and firing. A few more arrows are fired at Yang and she raises her gauntlets up in defense. A few bounce off of her weapons while others fly past her. She fires three rounds of her shotguns at her new opponents and stops them all in their tracks. Yang smiles triumphantly before she can glance backwards and see someone with a sword attempt to swing at her.

Yang ducks and gets onto the ground. She fires at the raider and knocked them off of their feet. Yang quickly gets up, grabs the raider and throws them at a ground of three more raiders before blasting them all away with her gauntlet. She smirks again until another raider catapults themselves onto Yang and both fall to the ground. Yang raises her arms in defense as the raider begins to repentantly punch her over and over again. After a few more punches, Yang fired off both her shotguns at the same time and got the raider off of her.

Yang then punched the desert ground and removed a large chunk of sandstone. Winding up, Yang threw the rock at another catapult. Yang looked on in victory until a few more raiders appeared and aimed their weapons at her. Yang got into a stance and was ready to attack. However, an signal raider stepped out among the crowd and stood before Yang, making her gasps.

???: No one, touch her. She's mine.

You were in a complete panic. You honestly didn't really know what to fully do with this situation so you just bolted back home. You were panting the whole time, but with the horns blaring, it made the streets even more crowded than usual. You just kept on running, trying to see if you couldn't find anyone you knew, or anything that could help you and Yang. As you were running, you ran directly into someone and fell to the ground, clutching your head.

(Y/N): I am, s-s-so sorry! I-I-I-I didn't mean to!

Ruby: It's all-(Y/N)?

(Y/N): Ruby?

Ruby: What are you doing here?! Your mom said you were still asleep!

(Y/N): It's-uh-well-I-I-I-never mind. It's complicated. L-Look, Yang's in trouble. She-she-

Ruby: Right! Let's go guys!

Ruby, Weiss and Blake ran off. Gure slapped you on your back and tossed you your shotgun.

Gure: Come on man! We got a girl to save!

You smiled and took off with your team at your back. You all took off running. After returning to the arena, the true fighting broke out. Several citizens were battling the raiders, some shooting, others getting shot and killed, the place was a blood bath. You could see so many dead in was almost heartbreaking. You were brought out of your haze when Burly slapped you on the back. You could see Silver and Weiss battling it out with at least a dozen raiders, using glyphs and weaponry to their advantages.

Blake and Gure were running around at top speeds, easily taking out enemies left and right. Ruby used her semblance and got onto Burly's shoulders and began to open fire. You cracked your neck and entered the fight as well. You ran up and lunged at a raider and slammed your hammer down onto their chest. You then roundhouse kicked another raider. However, you were knocked away by debris from a catapult.

You went flying and landed beside Weiss and Silver.

Weiss: (Y/N), are you ok?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah. A-Are you guys o-ok?

Silver: Dont worry about us! Do you know where Yang is?!

You shook your head, no. Silver sighed until another raider leapt down in front of him. He was about to attack until Weiss summoned a glyph and knocked the raider away. That's when you got the idea.

(Y/N): W-Weiss. Use a glyph t-to take me u-up.

Weiss: Got it!

Weiss began to summon and few glyphs over the raiders. You leapt up onto the glyphs and began to leap over the raiders until you were at a good enough height and then you decided to activate your semblance. Taking in Yang's lessons, you took a deep breath and concentrated on forming a laser of energy. Your (F/C) generated around you and you fired off your aura, burning away the raiders around you.

Doing so, you got a glimpse of Yang, almost knocked out by a woman in red with a mask. Rage grew inside of you and you were about to fire off again but stopped until you concentrated into another ball and threw it towards the woman. The woman saw the attack and rolled forward and grabbed Yang.

(Y/N): YANG!

You jumped off the glyph and ran towards Yang and the woman. The woman slashed downward and formed a red portal and stepped through it with Yang. You knocked away two of the raiders and leapt through the portal, going somewhere.

Yang Xiao Long X Shy Male Reader: The Man of BraveryWhere stories live. Discover now