Raiding Party

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The following morning, you were awoken by Shay once again in order to get you up and ready for the raid. Of course, he also woke up Yang. Needless to say, she wasn't too please and again, punched him in the face along with you. It felt good honestly. Regardless, you and Yang got ready for your adventure out into the wild. You both loaded up your weapons, dusted off your fists and hammer, did morning stretches and a few minutes of workout before being ready to take off.

The party itself was relatively small. It was only you, Yang, Raven, Shay, Vernal, and about two or three more of Raven's bandits. You gathered food, dust, weapons and other supplies to complete the hunt. You all got out of the camp just before sunrise and walked throughout the woods. The eight of you walked in total silence for perhaps a good hour. During the walk, the three other bandits broke apart to attack a small settlement. You were strongly opposed to the idea and so was Yang, but due to the fact that both your life and freedom were at stake, Yang thought it best to have you both be silent as the grave.

The remaining five of you kept walking through the woods. Raven had you and Shay collect water while she, Vernal and Yang would walk on over and gather some other supplies. You were standing in the river, gathering water into small canteens while Shay handed you fresh ones.

Shay: So, you and Blondie?

(Y/N): Why is everyone so concern over our relationship?

Shay: Because she's a total babe! Just look at her for more than a minute. Tell me, when you first saw her, you didn't try to get into her pants?!

He turned to you and saw you glare at him. (F/C) glow came from your eyes as you looked on in hatred. He raised his hands in a defensive manner.

Shay: Ok, ok. (He turned around to walk away but stopped) You didn't, did you?

(Y/N): What?

Shay: You didn't even go after her once! Come on, man! She's beyond-

You threw water into his face and refilled the canteen. You got out of the river and glared directly at him. Shay seemed to understand what you were asking and nodded in response. You forced the final canteen onto his chest and walked out of the river and back into the woods. Shay just shrugged you off and followed you back into the woods. Nearby, Yang punches a tree, forcing it to fall. She walked up and began to rip some of the bark and branches off of the tree. Raven and Vernal began to take some of the wood into bags.

Yang: So, you said something about raiding? Are we actually going to be doing that at all?

Raven: I would. But, both you and your friend aren't one's for killing. So resource gathering is our best bet. I would like to take you out killing, but you'd probably hate me more then.

Yang: Got that right.

You and Shay arrived to meet up with the girls. Raven saw you both approached and handed her wood to Vernal as she walked to greet you both.

Raven: Good to have you back. How many canteens did you fill?

Shay: Around forty, fifty. That's about two hundred liters.

Raven: Ah, still not enough. Ok. There's the ruins of an old town not to far from here. Vernal, take (Y/N) and Yang with you. Shay and I will get more water.

Vernal: Got it. Let's go idiots.

You and Yang glanced at one another and just shrugged. The two of you walked off with Vernal towards the destroyed town. You glanced around and saw the burning homes, the destroyed buildings, the corpses all around you. You glanced over at Yang and saw a similar reaction from her, complete concern and fear. She glanced over at you and you shrugged off the death.

Yang Xiao Long X Shy Male Reader: The Man of BraveryWhere stories live. Discover now