Killing the Queen

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The queen of the Grimm looked directly at you with two of its twelve eyes, glaring down at you. You and your friends slowly backed up and away from seeing the monster before you all, as it slowly began to move its head down towards you all. He released a massive roar, causing you all to cover your ears. The Grimm moved up and got ready to breath fire.

(Y/N): RUN!

With that, everyone began to scatter as the queen release a massive blast of fire. Silver and Gure ran over to the first two legs, leapt forward and slashed at them. The Grimm roared a bit until it was silenced by one of Ruby's sniper rounds. Qrow and Tai leapt up to get over the Queen and began to attack along its back, stabbing it and punching it over and over again. You and Yang turned and nodded to yourselves as you join Gure and Silver in attacking the underbelly and legs.

As you two were running up to the Grimm, it kicked its back left leg and was able to launch Gure off and towards the stone wall. Blake threw her grabbling hook onto the leg of the queen and dashed towards and grabbed Gure. Burly ran up to the opposite leg and leapt into the air. While in the air, he spun around and kicked the leg of the Grimm before punching it and grabbing its scales to slowly begin climbing up.

Yang and yourself began to open fire, aiming towards the face, using Weiss' glyphs as a way to amplify the bullet's power. Weiss then summoned a massive glyph and began to summon icicles, dust rounds and several other offensive tactics to hit the Grimm's face. The Grimm then began to roar again and take in a very deep breath. As it was, both Yang and Weiss were slowly being sucked up into it.

(Y/N): YANG!

You grabbed a hold of Yang's hand and held her in tight. Tai gasped and ran up to the head of the Grimm and began hitting the eyes along the left side. Ruby also began to fire sniper rounds towards the other eyes on the same side. Blake wrapped her grabbling hook around the tail of the Grimm and grabbed Gure and flung to the top of the Grimm and began to attack the rear. As the Queen continued to suck more and more air into its mouth, Weiss also began to get sucked into the mouth. Silver's eyes widen at seeing her.

Silver: Weiss!

Silver ran past some of the legs and slashed at the bases of the legs and finally reached the head. He leapt forward and threw his axe to the eyes along the right side, hitting one. The Grimm roared and stop absorbing air. Silver leapt up and grabbed his axe and removed it from the eye. He converted it to his rocket launcher and fired a rocket at the head. The Grimm reeled back and winced in pain.


Burly: On it!

Burly leapt forward and slammed his fists onto the nose of the Grimm and brought the head of the Grimm down towards the ground. Both Tai and Yang noticed what the plan was and got to work. Yang and Tai ran to the sides of the heads and leapt up and together, punched the head, disorienting the Grimm.

Silver: Go, GO!

Qrow: Kids, let's go!

The bullheads moved in and began to open fire along the back and towards the neck of the Grimm. Blake and Gure ran towards the rest of the group while firing at the stomach of the Grimm. The Grimm shook its head and slowly began to get back up.

(Y/N): What does it take to kill this thing?!

Qrow: Not us, kid! We need to go! NOW!

Yang: Come on, we can take this thing down!

Bullhead 1: Mayday, mayday! We're going down. Kill this da-

The Grimm queen bit the bullhead in half and used its front leg to destroy the cockpit of the ship. Both you and Yang turned back to Qrow and Tai and smiled awkwardly.

Yang Xiao Long X Shy Male Reader: The Man of BraveryWhere stories live. Discover now